臨牀消化器内科 Vol.34 No.11(1)

特集名 胃癌診療2019―現状と課題
題名 わが国の胃癌診療の現状と課題
発刊年月 2019年 10月
著者 山下 裕玄 東京大学大学院医学系研究科消化管外科学
著者 瀬戸 泰之 東京大学大学院医学系研究科消化管外科学
【 要旨 】 胃癌の主原因であるH. pyloriの感染率は低下の一途を辿っており,わが国における胃癌患者はH. pylori感染率の高い高齢者世代にピークがきている.高齢者ではさまざまな生理的予備能が衰えてくるのが一般的である.フレイル・サルコペニアといった併存症があった場合には,短期的には術後合併症が多く,長期的には他病死が多いという点から,「高齢」は胃癌の病期と同じく治療指針を決める際に留意すべき事項といえる.外科手術による至適切除範囲は臨床試験の結果を元に徐々に縮小し,さらなる治療成績向上には周術期化学療法の存在が欠かせない.術後補助化学療法の確立は進んでいるが,術前治療については未解決で課題が多い.
Theme Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Gastric Cancer 2019 -- Current Status and Issues
Title Current Issues and Concerns in Clinical Practice for Gastric Cancer
Author Hiroharu Yamashita Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, The University of Tokyo
Author Yasuyuki Seto Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, The University of Tokyo
[ Summary ] H. pylori infection, a major cause of gastric cancer development, is highly prevalent in the elderly population, while the infection rate has dropped dramatically to less than 10 % in the younger generation in Japan. As a result, the growing number of GC patients is comprised mainly of elderly individuals. Elderly patients are generally vulnerable, suffering from a wide range of physiological impairments. Advanced age is highly associated with postoperative morbidity, and more importantly, with non‒gastric cancer‒related death during the long‒term follow up period after surgery. Special attention should be paid to aging‒related comorbidities to tailor the optimal treatment in this population. Surgery is the mainstay for achieving a "cure"in this disease entity. Prophylactic para‒aortic lymph node dissection, splenectomy, as well as omentobursectomy, were no longer standard options according to the results of randomized control trial. Japanese D2 lymphadenectomy for advanced gastric cancer is still evolving toward less invasive approaches. Perioperative chemotherapy is a promising approach for further improvement of survival outcomes. Adjuvant chemotherapy for stage II/III disease is established, however, candidates and optimal regimens are still under debate in the neoadjuvant setting.