臨牀消化器内科 Vol.33 No.4(5-2)

特集名 慢性便秘―新たな分類と病態・診断・治療
題名 治療(2)薬物治療全般
発刊年月 2018年 04月
著者 鳥居 明 鳥居内科クリニック
【 要旨 】 慢性便秘症は機能性便秘と便秘型過敏性腸症候群に分類される.薬物療法としては,従来のプロバイオティクス,膨張性下剤,浸透圧性下剤,刺激性下剤に加え,粘膜上皮機能変容薬が加わり,病態に応じた多くの選択肢がある.慢性便秘症の薬物療法を効率的に行うためには,症状に応じた薬剤の使い分けとさじ加減が大切であることを強調したい.
Theme Chronic Constipation : A New Classification, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment
Title Treatment -- Pharmacotherapy
Author Akira Torii Torii Medical Clinic
[ Summary ] Chronic constipation is classified into functional constipation and constipation type irritable bowel syndrome.
Under pharmacotherapy, we increase the epithelial function transformation medicine in addition to conventional probiotics, bulk cathartic, osmotic laxatives, and stimulative laxatives, and there are many choices that are accepted for this clinical condition.
We want to emphasize that use and prescription of the drug, depending on symptomology, is important, so that pharmacotherapy of chronic constipation is provided effectively.