臨牀消化器内科 Vol.33 No.4(2)

特集名 慢性便秘―新たな分類と病態・診断・治療
題名 疫学―有病率・家族内集積・性差・年齢・BMI・予後
発刊年月 2018年 04月
著者 千葉 俊美 岩手医科大学口腔医学講座関連医学分野
【 要旨 】 わが国の便秘の有訴者数は2~5%程度といわれ,加齢により有病率は増加し,50歳以下の若年層では女性に多く,70歳以上では男女比がほぼ1:1となっている.家族内発症のメカニズムは未解明である.慢性便秘症は他の機能性消化管疾患との併存も多いが,BMIとの関係については一定の見解は得られていない.生活習慣では,食物繊維の摂取不足,水分摂取不足,活動性の低下などが慢性便秘症を引き起こす要因となる.慢性便秘症の予後は比較的良好であるが,QOLの低下が認められ,慢性便秘の消化管外合併症として尿閉,下肢静脈瘤などが挙げられ,パーキンソン病や多発性硬化症といった神経疾患の罹患率が高く,うつ病や不安神経症などの精神疾患と便秘の関係も報告されている.慢性便秘症は心筋梗塞,狭心症などの虚血性心疾患が併発する頻度が高く,これらの合併症が予後を左右することもありうる.
Theme Chronic Constipation : A New Classification, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment
Title The Epidemiology of Chronic Constipation, Including Prevalence, Family History, Sex, Age, BMI, and Prognosis
Author Toshimi Chiba Division of Internal Medicine, Department of Oral Medicine, Iwate Medical University
[ Summary ] The prevalence of constipation is 2 to 5 % in Japan, and the prevalence rate increases with age. Additionally, the rate is higher in women when compared to men under 50 years old, and the rate in women is equal to that in men over 70 years old. Pathophysiology of family history in constipation is still unknown, as constipation often coexists with other functional disorders, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and functional dyspepsia (FD). The correlation between constipation and BMI is still unknown. Some lifestyle factors were considered to be causes of constipation, such as a low intake of dietary fiber and water and a decrease in activity. Constipation has a good prognosis ; however, quality of life (QOL) decreases with the onset of constipation symptoms, and these effects can be seen in the Short Form Health Survey (SF‒36), Psychological General Well‒Being Index (PGWBI), and the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS). Complications of constipation can occur as anorectal dysfunction and gastrointestinal diseases, such as hemorrhoids, prolapse of the rectum, rectal ulcers and sigmoid volvulus. Additionally, some of the complications of constipation, except the gastrointestinal tract, include urinary retention, aspiration pneumonia, and exacerbation of varicose vein or hepatic coma. The prevalence of constipation and neuropsychiatric disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, and anxiety. increases with constipation. The prevalence of ischemic heart disease, such as myocardial infarction or angina pectoris, is higher when compared to individuals without constipation. These complications might worsen the prognosis of constipation patients.