臨牀消化器内科 Vol.33 No.3(5-5)

特集名 GERD診療2018―現状と課題
題名 GERD関連の話題(5)Barrett食道
発刊年月 2018年 03月
著者 天野 祐二 新東京病院内視鏡センター
著者 原田 英明 新東京病院消化器内科
著者 中原 良太郎 新東京病院消化器内科
著者 村上 大輔 新東京病院消化器内科
著者 末廣 聡士 新東京病院消化器内科
著者 勝山 泰志 新東京病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 欧米においてもっとも増加率の高い癌はBarrett食道癌であるが,人種差および民族差や多くの症例がSSBEであることから,本邦ではほとんど問題にならないと考えられてきた.しかしながら,食生活の変化および肥満の増加,H. pylori感染率の自然低下など社会的背景の変遷により,逆流性食道炎や胃食道逆流症状を有する患者は著増し,その結果,Barrett食道が増加し,さらにBarrett食道癌も徐々に増加するという懸念が生まれている.したがって,GERD関連疾患の疫学的動向に注視する必要があり,逆流性食道炎の適切な治療によるBarrett食道への進展抑制,Barrett食道患者の発癌リスクの同定,さらにBarrett食道癌に対するサーベイランス法の確立など多岐にわたる項目について検討することは決して時期尚早でない.
Theme GERD in Clinical Practice 2018 -- Current Status and Issues
Title Clinical Management of Barrett's Esophagus
Author Yuji Amano Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopic Center, New Tokyo Hospital
Author Hideaki Harada Department of Gastroenterology, New Tokyo Hospital
Author Ryotaro Nakahara Department of Gastroenterology, New Tokyo Hospital
Author Daisuke Murakami Department of Gastroenterology, New Tokyo Hospital
Author Satoshi Suehiro Department of Gastroenterology, New Tokyo Hospital
Author Yasushi Katsuyama Department of Gastroenterology, New Tokyo Hospital
[ Summary ] The incidence of esophageal adenocarcinomas originating from/associated with Barrett's esophagus (BE) has shown a remarkable increase during the last 2 decades in Western countries. In Japan, several clinical factors have been associated with the increased prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) ; for example, decreasing incidence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, increase in the number of patients diagnosed with obesity, and westernization/changes in lifestyle and dietary habits. Accordingly, the occurrence of Barrett's adenocarcinoma has also been gradually increasing accompanied by a rapid increase in the number of patients diagnosed with GERD. Thus, the appropriate management of GERD and effective endoscopic surveillance methods for BE have been gaining wide attention in recent times. Surveillance methods using random biopsies that are recommended in Western countries do not seem applicable in Japanese patients with BE, because most patients present with short segmental type and Japanese endoscopists utilize a superior technique to endoscopically diagnose superficial Barrett's adenocarcinoma via the use of image-enhanced endoscopy (IEE). In Japan, the targeted biopsy method using IEE aimed at BE with a high malignant potential is considered to play an important role in effective Barrett's surveillance. Therefore, in the near future, it would be important to investigate and identify the serious risk factors associated with Barrett's carcinogenesis including the length of BE, age, male gender, obesity, smoking, reflux esophagitis, H. pylori infection, and colonic tumors, among other factors.