臨牀消化器内科 Vol.33 No.13(1)

特集名 肝線維化―診断を超えて
題名 肝線維化,肝硬変の病理診断
発刊年月 2018年 12月
著者 全 陽 神戸大学病院病理診断科
【 要旨 】 肝線維化は古典的な病理学的テーマである.古くは線維化進展の機序が研究されていたが,最近では線維化のregressionに興味がもたれている.その理由はC型肝炎を含むいくつかの肝疾患が治療可能となったからだろう.線維化のregression機序は線維化の吸収とともに肝実質の再生により生じると考えられている.組織学的には,細い線維性隔壁,炎症を伴わない隔壁,門脈域周囲の細い線維の伸び出し,門脈域に取り込まれる肝細胞集塊,再生結節の大型化が観察される.しかし,成因により観察される変化にも違いがあり,とくに胆汁うっ帯性肝疾患では,胆管消失が不可逆的なため,線維化のregressionも期待できない症例が多い.
Theme Liver Fibrosis : Beyond the Diagnosis
Title Pathologic Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis
Author Yoh Zen Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Kobe University Hospital
[ Summary ] Liver fibrosis is a classic topic of pathological studies. Although earlier studies focused how liver fibrosis progresses, many investigators are currently interested more in the regression process of hepatic fibrosis. This trend has been reinforced by the fact that some liver diseases including hepatitis C have become treatable. The regression of fibrosis is a dynamic process operated by absorption of collagen fibers and regeneration of residual hepatocytes. Histologically, thin fibrous septa, less inflammatory fibrous septa, delicate fibrous spikes around portal tracts, entrapped hepatocytes in enlarged portal tracts, and large regenerative nodules indicate the regression of fibrosis. However, microscopic changes differ among etiologies, and the regression is generally less likely to occur in chronic cholestatic diseases due to irreversible bile duct loss.