臨牀消化器内科 Vol.33 No.1(6)

特集名 NASH 2018
発刊年月 2018年 01月
著者 添田 光太郎 国立国際医療研究センター研究所糖尿病研究センター
著者 植木 浩二郎 国立国際医療研究センター研究所糖尿病研究センター
【 要旨 】 従来,いわゆる脂肪肝は非進行性の良性疾患であると考えられていたが,最近では,脂肪蓄積状態(NAFLD)から線維化(NASH)をきたし,肝臓癌の発生母地ともなりうる疾患としてとらえられるようになってきた.NAFLD/NASHは肥満やインスリン抵抗性を基盤として慢性炎症や酸化ストレス,小胞体ストレスが加わることによって進行していくが,糖尿病罹患者の大部分を占める2型糖尿病においても内臓脂肪型肥満とインスリン抵抗性は主たる病態と位置付けられている.
Theme NASH 2018
Title Diabetes Mellitus and NAFLD/NASH
Author Koutarou Soeda Diabetes Research Center, Research Institute National Center for Global Health and Medicine
Author Kohjiro Ueki Diabetes Research Center, Research Institute National Center for Global Health and Medicine
[ Summary ] Although fatty liver was historically thought to be a benign hepatic condition, lately, it has been considered as a potential pathophysiological state which can even lead to the development of malignancy in the background of liver fibrosis (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis ; NASH). NASH itself can be led by simple steatosis (nonalcoholic liver disease ; NAFLD) if it is accompanied by inflammation. Therefore, NAFLD/NASH is thought to be an important liver disease that increases the risk for liver cancer.
Obesity and insulin resistance are the most fundamental risk factors of NAFLD/NASH, and chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and ER (endoplasmic reticulum) stress are also well‒known exacerbation factors. On the other hand, the primary pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus is also visceral obesity and insulin resistance. Therefore, both type 2 diabetes mellitus and NAFLD/NASH are considered to be closely related to the metabolic syndrome. In this article, we will introduce epidemic and biological evidence or the close relationship between NAFLD/NASH and type 2 diabetes mellitus and an appropriate therapeutic strategy, improving the understanding on the underlying pathophysiology.