特集名 | 食道癌診療の進歩―現状と課題 | |
題名 | 「食道癌取扱い規約」第11版にみる食道癌診療の現状 | |
発刊年月 | 2017年 08月 | |
著者 | 松原 久裕 | 千葉大学大学院医学研究院先端応用外科 |
【 要旨 】 | 8年ぶりに改訂された「食道癌取扱い規約」に関し,今回の改訂のポイントとともに食道癌診療の現状を第11版取扱い規約を通して概説した. 今回の改訂では,臨床所見,手術所見,病理所見に加え,内視鏡治療所見(e)を加えた.また食道胃接合部の定義に関し,これまで7頁の別刷りとして添付されていたが,本文中に記載された.壁深達度については,T4に関してUICCのTNM分類第7版と同様にT4aとT4bに分け,整合性をはかった.N分類に関しては整合性をはかれず,胸部中部食道癌(Mt)においてNo. 104が2群に変更された.頸部リンパ節郭清の重要性が今回の改訂により,より明確化され,頸部郭清を行わないとD2郭清にならないことになった. |
Theme | Clinical Management of Esophageal Cancer 2017 -- Current Status and Issues | |
Title | The New Japanese Classification of Esophageal Cancer (11th Edition) | |
Author | Hisahiro Matsubara | Department of Frontier Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University |
[ Summary ] | This review article discusses the New Japanese Classification of Esophageal Cancer (11th Edition). We have added endoscopic treatment findings in the description. Following the adoption of these criteria for the diagnosis of lesions located at the gastroesophageal junction that was made in cooperation with the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association, a 7‒page leaflet was attached to this Classification in September 2013. In spite of our attempt to be as consistent with the UICC's TNM classification as possible, this attempt was skipped for the N classification. The rules for studies on supraclavicular lymph nodes are completely different between our classification and the N classification. By contrast, the D2 operation requires three‒field lymph node dissection in this revision. |