臨牀消化器内科 Vol.32 No.5(1-1)

特集名 肝疾患と栄養・サルコペニア
題名 肝疾患とサルコペニア(1)肝疾患におけるサルコペニアとその発生メカニズム
発刊年月 2017年 05月
著者 平松 憲 広島大学病院消化器・代謝内科
【 要旨 】 肝疾患は二次性サルコペニアを引き起こし,サルコペニアを合併する肝疾患患者のQOLや予後は不良である.サルコペニアの発生機序は筋蛋白合成刺激の減少と筋蛋白分解刺激の増加に関連する二つの要因に分類される.肝疾患患者においては,前者に関係するものとして,ロイシンを中心としたBCAAの低下とそれに伴うmTORC1の活性化の減弱,高アンモニア血症に伴うミオスタチンの上昇とオートファジーの減少,テストステロンの低下などがある.後者に関係するものとしてはTNF‒αやインターロイキン6(IL‒6)などの炎症性サイトカインの上昇などがあり,実際にはそれらが複合的に関わっているものと推察される.
Theme The Impact of Sarcopenia and Nutrition on Liver Diseases
Title Mechanisms of Sarcopenia in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease
Author Akira Hiramatsu Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolism, Hiroshima University Hospital
[ Summary ] Sarcopenia is the degenerative loss of skeletal muscle mass, quality, and strength. Sarcopenia is common in patients with cirrhosis, with an estimated prevalence of 40‒70 %. Sarcopenia reduces survival, quality of life, and post‒liver transplant outcomes in patients with cirrhosis. Sarcopenia occurs due to a reduction in protein synthesis, an increase in proteolysis, or a combination of the two. Skeletal muscle hyperammonemia in cirrhosis induces transcriptional up‒regulation of myostatin and increases autophagy, both of which contribute to sarcopenia. Leucine, a potent direct activator of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), increases muscle protein synthesis. However, plasma and skeletal muscle concentrations of leucine and other branched chain amino acids (BCAA) are decreased in patients with cirrhosis. In older individuals, reduced testosterone is thought to contribute to muscle loss. Serum testosterone is reduced in men with cirrhosis, and levels fall as liver disease advances. Proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukin‒6 (IL‒6) and tumor necrosis factor‒alpha (TNF‒α), increase in patients with chronic liver disease and play important roles in modulating signaling pathways during skeletal muscle loss. The causes of sarcopenia in patients with chronic liver disease are multi‒factorial.