臨牀消化器内科 Vol.32 No.3(10)

特集名 消化管出血に対する診療―JGESガイドラインをふまえて
題名 小腸出血に対するアプローチ
発刊年月 2017年 03月
著者 矢野 智則 自治医科大学内科学講座消化器内科学部門
【 要旨 】 上部・下部消化管内視鏡で原因不明の消化管出血では,まずdynamic CTを行い,異常所見を認めれば近い挿入経路からバルーン内視鏡,認めなければカプセル内視鏡を行う.カプセル内視鏡の結果に応じて,内科的治療,外科的治療,経過観察か,必要ならバルーン内視鏡やメッケル憩室シンチを行う.バルーン内視鏡には先端アタッチメントを装着し,持続出血例では経口挿入を選択する.出血源を同定するために,マーキングクリップや,浸水観察,gel immersion endoscopyを使用する.小腸血管性病変の多くは内視鏡治療が可能だが,拍動性の有無に着目した小腸血管性病変の内視鏡分類に基づいて止血方法を選択する.
Theme Diagnoses & Treatments for Gastrointestinal Bleeding on the Basis of JGES Guidelines
Title Clinical Approach to Small Intestinal Bleeding
Author Tomonori Yano Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Jichi Medical University
[ Summary ] For gastrointestinal bleeding without visible abnormalities on upper gastrointestinal endoscopy or colonoscopy, a dynamic computed tomography (CT) scan should be performed first. If any abnormalities are found on CT, balloon assisted endoscopy should be performed via a route near the lesion. If no abnormality is found on CT, capsule endoscopy should be performed. Depending on the findings of capsule endoscopy, medication, surgery, observation, balloon‒assisted endoscopy or Meckel diverticulum scintigraphy should be selected. A distal attachment on the tip of the scope is should be used. The oral route should be selected for an ongoing bleeding case. To find the bleeding point, marking‒clip placement, underwater observation, and gel immersion endoscopy are useful. Most small intestinal vascular lesions can be treated endoscopically. The method of hemostasis should be selected depending on the endoscopic classification of small intestinal vascular lesions with respect to the presence or absence of pulsation.