臨牀消化器内科 Vol.32 No.12(7)

特集名 内視鏡検診の実態と今後の課題
題名 大腸がん検診の現状(FIT検診,地域格差)
発刊年月 2017年 11月
著者 野崎 良一 大腸肛門病センター高野病院消化器内科
著者 原 敬行 大腸肛門病センター高野病院総合健診センター
著者 椎葉 保樹 大腸肛門病センター高野病院総合健診センター
著者 黒田 浩敬 大腸肛門病センター高野病院総合健診センター
著者 山田 一隆 大腸肛門病センター高野病院消化器外科
【 要旨 】 わが国の大腸癌罹患数は臓器別で2015年から1位となり,死亡数も2位で今後も増加が予測される.その対策として,「がん対策推進基本計画」(2012年見直し)では大腸がん検診受診率を5年以内に50%(当面40%)を達成することを目標としている.わが国では大腸がん検診として便潜血検査免疫法(FIT)2日法が用いられている.FIT2日法による検診受診率は35.4%で,未だ目標値は達成されていない.欧米に比べてはるかに低い状況にある.検診受診率には都道府県,地方で地域格差がある.東北地方は概してほかの地方より検診受診率が高い.わが国の低い検診受診率と精検受診率(66.0%)では,欧米のような大腸癌死亡率減少に結びつく水準に至っていないのが現状である.
Theme Current Status and Future Perspectives of Endoscopic Screening
Title Current Status of Colorectal Cancer Screening Using the Fecal Immunochemical Test in Japan
Author Ryoichi Nozaki Division of Gastroenterology, Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital
Author Takayuki Hara General Screening Center, Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital
Author Yasuki Shiiba General Screening Center, Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital
Author Hironori Kuroda General Screening Center, Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital
Author Kazutaka Yamada Division of Gastroenterological Surgery, Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital
[ Summary ] In Japan, colorectal cancer (CRC) ranked first among all cancers in terms of incidence since 2015 and ranked second for mortality ; the rates are predicted to continue to increase. As a countermeasure against this, the Japanese government is aiming to achieve a CRC screening rate of 50 % (a near‒term target of 40 %). The efficacy of CRC screening by fecal occult blood testing has already been proven. The method used in Japan is the two‒day fecal immunochemical test (FIT). The rate of CRC screening by the two‒day FIT is 35.4 %, which is below the target rate. The rates remain very low when compared with the high rates achieved in the United States (US) and United Kingdom (UK) (72 % and 50‒60 %, respectively). There are disparities in the screening rates among prefectures and regions. For example the Tohoku region generally has higher screening rates than other regions. The percentage of close examinations for a positive two‒day FIT is 66.0 %, which falls below the acceptable level in Japan. As previously mentioned, the current CRC screening rate and the close examination rate are not as good as those in Western countries where declines in CRC mortality have been observed as a result of screening. A joint project by our hospital. Takano Hospital and K city (in Kumamoto prefecture) aiming to improve the CRC screening rate (a 3‒year plan) has achieved an increase in the rate improving from 23.2 % to 44.4 % in the second year. As a model case, the project is still ongoing with the aim of achieving a rate of 50 % in the third year.