臨牀消化器内科 Vol.32 No.11(5)

特集名 ピロリ菌陰性者にみられる胃疾患の診かた ― 胃癌を中心に
題名 H. pylori陰性者にみられる胃びらん・胃潰瘍
発刊年月 2017年 10月
著者 塩谷 昭子 川崎医科大学消化管内科学
著者 合田 杏祐 川崎医科大学消化管内科学
著者 村尾 高久 川崎医科大学消化管内科学
著者 藤田 穣 川崎医科大学消化管内科学
著者 松本 啓志 川崎医科大学消化管内科学
著者 鎌田 智有 川崎医科大学健康管理学
【 要旨 】 NSAIDsによる粘膜傷害は,プロスタグランジン産生抑制に加えて,胃内酸性条件下での局所作用による粘膜傷害により,pH依存性に惹起される.NSAIDs潰瘍は一般的に発赤・びらんを伴い,浅い潰瘍が多発する傾向にあり,不整形の潰瘍が多い.特発性潰瘍は,H. pylori陽性潰瘍と比較して難治性で再発しやすく予後不良で,高齢,重症の基礎疾患,心理的ストレスが危険因子と考えられている.酸分泌抑制薬を中心とした長期の維持療法が必要となることが多い.
Theme How to Diagnose Gastric Diseases in Patients without Helicobacter pylori Infection
Title Gastric Erosions and Ulcers in H. pylori—negative Patients
Author Akiko Shiotani Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
Author Kyosuke Goda Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
Author Takahisa Murao Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
Author Minoru Fujita Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
Author Hiroshi Matsumoto Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
Author Tomoari Kamada Department of Health Care Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
[ Summary ] Helicobacter pylor (H. pylori) infection and nonsteroidal anti‒inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are two major risk factors for peptic ulcers, and H. pylori‒negative gastric erosions and ulcers tended to be increasing according to the decline in prevalence of the H. pylori infection and induced atrophic gastritis and the progress of population aging. NSAIDs induce mucosal injury not only by inhibition of prostaglandins production, but also by direct mucosal injury under acidic conditions, which are dependent on gastric luminal pH. NSAIDs ulcers are characterized as multiple, shallow, irregular in shape, and mucosal redness and erosions are often detected with ulcers. Idiopathic peptic ulcers (IPUs) are reported to be more refractory and recurrent to the treatment than H. pylori‒positive ulcers, and the prognosis of IPUs is often poor. Old age, multiple underlying comorbid diseases, and psychological stress are risk factors for IPUs. Long term acid suppression therapy is usually required to treat IPUs.