臨牀消化器内科 Vol.32 No.11(10)

特集名 ピロリ菌陰性者にみられる胃疾患の診かた ― 胃癌を中心に
題名 遺伝性疾患に伴う胃癌
発刊年月 2017年 10月
著者 新村 和也 浜松医科大学医学部腫瘍病理学講座
【 要旨 】 hereditary diffuse gastric cancer(HDGC,遺伝性びまん性胃癌)は,びまん型の胃癌(低分化癌/印環細胞癌)の発症を特徴とする遺伝性疾患であり,E‒カドヘリン蛋白質をコードするCDH1がその主たる原因遺伝子として知られる.胃癌のほかには,乳腺小葉癌のリスクも高い.CDH1遺伝子変異の型として近年,大型欠失も注目されている.日本人のCDH1遺伝子変異によるHDGC症例/若年発症胃癌症例もいくつか報告されている.原因遺伝子としてCDH1以外のもの(CTNNA1など)も,近年同定されつつある.また,GAPPS という胃腺癌/近位胃ポリポーシスの遺伝性疾患も近年見つけられている.
Theme How to Diagnose Gastric Diseases in Patients without Helicobacter pylori Infection
Title Hereditary Gastric Cancer
Author Kazuya Shinmura Department of Tumor Pathology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC) is an inherited disease characterized by the onset of diffuse type gastric cancer consisting of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma and/or signet‒ring cell carcinoma. HDGC is predominantly caused by CDH1 (which encodes E‒cadherin) germline mutations, and in a minority of cases, it is caused by mutations in other genes, including CTNNA1 and MAP3K6. The cumulative risk of gastric cancer for CDH1 mutation carriers by age 80 years is reported to be 70 % for men and 56 % for women. The risk of lobular breast cancer is also high in female CDH1 mutation carriers. A truncating mutation is the most common type of CDH1 germline mutation, and a large genomic deletion at the CDH1 locus occurs in a small subset of HDGC families. Several Japanese patients with germline CDH1 mutations that are associated with HDGC and early‒onset gastric cancer have been reported, and interestingly, a large genomic deletion is present in more than half of the CDH1 mutations in the known Japanese cases. Recently, in addition to HDGC, gastric adenocarcinoma and proximal polyposis of the stomach (GAPPS), a new heritable syndrome characterized by gastric polyposis and an elevated risk of gastric cancer, has been identified, and point mutations in the APC promoter 1B may be associated with this syndrome.