臨牀消化器内科 Vol.32 No.10(3-2)

特集名 腸内細菌と臨床
題名 腸内細菌と治療(2)腸内細菌に対するプロバイオティクス投与の影響
発刊年月 2017年 09月
著者 岡田 義清 防衛医科大学校内科学(消化器)
著者 穂苅 量太 防衛医科大学校内科学(消化器)
【 要旨 】 プロバイオティクスは「宿主に健康効果を示す生きた微生物またはそれを含む食品」と定義されている.これまで,プロバイオティクス投与による腸内環境改善を通じての健康増進作用に加えて,機能研究と疾病への臨床応用が試みられてきた.プロバイオティクスによる予防・治療の有効性については,さまざまな報告がなされており,今後,さらに多くの検討を行う必要がある.また,メタゲノム解析をはじめとした次世代の解析法により,プロバイオティクス投与の腸内細菌へ与える影響について解析が進んでおり,作用機序の解明と,より効果的な予防・治療法への応用につながることが期待される.
Theme Roles and Importance of Microbiota in Clinical Medicine
Title Effect of Probiotics on Gut Microbiota and Current Status of Their Clinical Application
Author Yoshikiyo Okada Department of Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Author Ryota Hokari Department of Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] Probiotics are currently defined as "live microorganisms or foods containing them, which when consumed in adequate amounts, confer a health effect on the host." So far, many species of microorganisms have been ascribed with probiotic properties, and studies into their functional mechanisms and clinical applications have been attempted. Results on probiotics efficacy in prevention and treatment of several conditions have been variable ; consequently, further research is needed to better establish probiotics efficacy. Analysis of the effect of probiotic administration on gut microbiota has recently advanced, thanks to next‒generation analytical methods such as metagenomic studies. The data obtained with these studies are expected to help elucidate the mechanism of action of probiotics and develop more effective clinical applications.