臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.8(10)

特集名 悪性消化管狭窄に対する最新マネージメント
題名 悪性大腸狭窄に対するステント治療 ― Bridge—to—Surgeryの視点から
発刊年月 2016年 07月
著者 斉田 芳久 東邦大学医療センター大橋病院外科
【 要旨 】 大腸ステントが2012年から使用可能となった.大腸癌イレウスの外科治療として,腸閉塞解除とともに大腸癌の根治性と手術安全性を考慮しなければならないが,緊急手術に比して大腸ステント治療Bridge‒to‒Surgeryでは,術前に十分な減圧が得られるので全身状態の改善を待って,安全な一期的切除吻合が行えるようになる.大腸ステントの安全性は広く報告されているがそのためには安全に十分に留意した手技が必要であり,大腸ステント安全手技研究会の提供するミニガイドラインの遵守が望ましい.欧州消化器内視鏡学会の臨床ガイドラインで長期予後への懸念が表明されていることから,長期予後に対する影響は今後の研究課題である.
Theme Up-to-date Managements for Malignant Gastrointestinal Stenosis
Title Colonic Stent for Obstructive Colorectal Cancers : Bridge—to—Surgery
Author Yoshihisa Saida Department of Surgery, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center
[ Summary ] Coverage of stent (self‒expandable metallic stent ; SEMS) treatment for the colon and rectum finally became available in 2012 in Japan within the public health insurance system. In this chapter, I reviewed the literature relevant to the present conditions and the future prospects for this therapy. SEMS use is currently indicated in Japan in cases of malignant colorectal stenosis that include palliation and Bridge‒to‒Surgery (BTS). In BTS, the short duration of hospitalization and reduced postoperative complications, colostomy rate, and mortality rate are as expected as compared to emergency surgery. Although it has been reported that the complication rate is low, adequate preparation and informed consent are important because complications can still occur. There are some tips and points to be taken into consideration to achieve safe procedures. The Colonic Stent Safe Procedure Research Group, one of the subordinate organizations of the Japan Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, has put together a set of mini-guidelines for use of the colon stent and has published them on the Society's website. Because the longterm prognosis for BTS placement of SEMS is unknown, the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) clinical guidelines do not currently recommended it as a standard treatment for obstructive colorectal cancers. A future large prospective study is needed to determine the safety and efficacy of this treatment.