臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.6(6-2)

特集名 IBD治療のcritical point ― 私ならこうする
題名 クローン病―初発例の治療方針 (2) Top—down による治療法
発刊年月 2016年 06月
著者 吉村 直樹 JCHO東京山手メディカルセンター炎症性腸疾患内科
【 要旨 】 生物学的製剤の登場でクローン病の治療ストラテジーは大きく変わり,治療目標は症状を改善,コントロールする時代から,粘膜治癒(mucosal healing)を目指す時代になった.クローン病は再燃と寛解を繰り返し,進行性の不可逆的腸管合併症をきたす疾患である.したがって,今日ではステロイドなどの反応の結果を待たずに診断後早期に迅速かつ強力な寛解導入効果を有する生物学的製剤を導入して粘膜治癒を含めた寛解維持を目指す“Top‒down”治療が推奨されている.クローン病初発例では,活動性だけでなく狭窄,瘻孔,腫瘍などの腸管合併症の正確な評価を行ったうえで生物学的製剤を的確に運用することが重要である.
Theme How Do You Choose Treatment Strategies for IBD Patients with a Critical Situation?
Title Efficacy of "Top-down" anti-TNF-α Therapy in Clinical Management of Crohn's Disease
Author Naoki Yoshimura Department of Internal Medicine, Division of IBD, JCHO Tokyo Yamate Medical Center
[ Summary ] Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic relapsing and remitting inflammatory disorder affecting the gastrointestinal system, and it does not respond well to medications, often leading to irreversible complications. However, after the development of anti‒tumor necrosis factor (TNF)‒α biologics, the therapeutic strategy for CD has significantly changed. Previously, the goal of treatment would be to induce remission or control the symptoms, whereas currently, the major therapeutic goal is to achieve mucosal healing and sustained remission. The "Top‒down" therapy that introduces an anti‒TNF‒α biologic early after the diagnosis of CD is intended to induce rapid and sustained remission together with mucosal healing without waiting for the therapeutic effect of slow‒acting conventional medications like corticosteroids. However, in the clinical management of first‒episode CD cases, physicians should use a therapeutically relevant dose of an anti‒TNF‒α biologic after a very thorough evaluation for possible intestinal tract complications, including the presence of stenosis and fistulas in addition to the CD activity index.