臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.6(2-1)

特集名 IBD治療のcritical point ― 私ならこうする
題名 潰瘍性大腸炎―5‒ASA経口薬では不十分な場合 (1) ステロイドに至る前に行うべきこととステロイドの使用法
発刊年月 2016年 06月
著者 江﨑 幹宏 九州大学大学院病態機能内科学
著者 梅野 淳嗣 九州大学大学院病態機能内科学
【 要旨 】 高用量5‒アミノサリチル酸(5‒ASA)の寛解導入効果が不十分な軽症~中等症の潰瘍性大腸炎(UC)における経口5‒ASA製剤の変更や局所療法併用の有効性について述べた.経口5‒ASA製剤はUCの罹患範囲を考慮した使い分けが望ましいが,薬剤の排泄状況にも注意を払う必要がある.局所療法の併用は直腸炎型のみならず左側大腸炎型や全大腸炎型においても寛解導入における上乗せ効果が期待できるが,注腸療法ではアドヒアランス向上のために投与量の工夫が必要である.十分な治療効果が得られない場合には,経口ステロイド剤をはじめとする治療強化の適応と考えられるが,直腸炎型では安易なステロイド剤投与は避けるべきである.
Theme How Do You Choose Treatment Strategies for IBD Patients with a Critical Situation?
Title Therapeutic Strategies for Patients with Mild to Moderate Active Ulcerative Colitis Refractory to High—dose 5—Aminosalicylic Acids
Author Motohiro Esaki Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Junji Umeno Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
[ Summary ] The rotation of oral 5‒aminosalicylic acids (5‒ASA) or concurrent application of topical therapy has been described as able to enhance remission induction by high‒dose oral 5‒ASA treatment among patients with mild to moderate active ulcerative colitis (UC). Thus, such medications could possibly help avoid unnecessary application of subsequent systemic steroid therapy in a certain proportion of patients with mild to moderate active UC who show insufficient response to initial high‒dose oral 5‒ASA treatment. However, careful observation of and communication with patients are critical to improve clinical efficacy of the medications. The site of involvement needs to be considered when rotating oral 5‒ASA. However, pH‒dependent 5‒ASA is occasionally excreted without elution in patients with diarrhea. When applying either 5‒ASA or steroid enema to patients with active distal UC, excessive amount of enema frequently deteriorates the adherence to topical enema therapy. In patients who fail to achieve remission with these medications, aggressive treatments need to be considered, whereas systemic steroid therapy should be strictly avoided in patients with proctitis UC.