臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.5(8-1)

特集名 急性膵炎―診療ガイドラインの改訂を受けて
題名 膵局所合併症 (1) 病態・治療
発刊年月 2016年 05月
著者 佐田 尚宏 自治医科大学消化器・一般外科
【 要旨 】 1992年に作成されたAtlanta分類が2012年に改訂され,急性膵炎のterminologyが大きく変更された.それに伴い2013年にIAP/APA guidelineが,2015年に本邦の急性膵炎診療ガイドラインが改定された.改訂Atlanta分類では,膵局所合併症の分類法が変更され,急性膵周囲液体貯留,急性壊死性貯留,膵仮性囊胞,被包化壊死の4種類の用語が定義された.治療の対象になる膵局所合併症はほぼ感染合併例に限定され,発症4週以降のstep‒up approach法が推奨される.2000年以降報告されている低侵襲治療の奏効率は高いが,致命的な合併症も起こりうるリスクの高い手技であり,実施には十分な経験と医療安全に対する配慮が必要である.
Theme Management of Acute Pancreatitis Based on the Revised JPN Guidelines
Title Local Complications of Acute Pancreatitis : Definition and Treatment
Author Naohiro Sata Department of Surgery, Jichi Medical University
[ Summary ] The revised Atlanta classification, released in 2012, defined the following 4 conditions as local complications of acute pancreatitis:acute peripancreatic fluid collection (APFC), acute necrotic collection (ANC), pancreatic pseudocyst (PPC), and walled‒off necrosis (WON). Based on the concepts of the revised Atlanta classification, the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) /American Pancreatic Association (APA) guidelines and the Japanese clinical guidelines for acute pancreatitis were revised in 2013 and 2015, respectively. The indications for intervention in necrotizing pancreatitis were mostly limited to infectious walled‒off necrosis or infectious pancreatic pseudocysts. The optimal strategy for treating these lesions was to initially perform an image‒guided percutaneous or transluminal drainage, followed by, if necessary, an endoscopic or surgical necrosectomy (step‒up approach). These interventions should be delayed until the collection has become walled‒off for at least 4 weeks. These novel minimally invasive methods should be performed by skillful endoscopists or surgeons in high‒volume centers.