臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.4(1)

特集名 消化管憩室の最近の話題
題名 消化管憩室関連疾患の病理
発刊年月 2016年 04月
著者 江頭 由太郎 大阪医科大学病理学教室
著者 芥川 寛 大阪医科大学病理学教室
【 要旨 】 消化管憩室および消化管憩室に関連した疾患・病変の病理学的特徴について概説した.本稿で取り扱った項目は,消化管憩室の臨床病理学的基礎事項,食道憩室,食道偽性憩室,胃憩室,粘膜下異所性胃腺,重複胃,小腸憩室,Meckel憩室,大腸憩室,大腸憩室炎・憩室周囲炎,虫垂憩室炎,大腸憩室炎の合併症,MPS様の炎症性隆起性病変,filiform polyposisおよびdiverticular colitisである.消化管憩室疾患の正確な診断と適切な治療のためには,消化管憩室および消化管憩室に関連した疾患・病変の病理学的特徴を理解しておくことが肝要である.
Theme Topics of the Gastrointestinal Diverticula
Title The Pathology of Diverticular Disease of the Digestive Tract
Author Yutaro Egashira Department of Pathology, Osaka Medical College
Author Hiroshi Akutagawa Department of Pathology, Osaka Medical College
[ Summary ] The clinicopathological features of diverticular disease of the digestive tract were outlined. In this report, we described the following:the clinicopathological bases of diverticular disease of the digestive tract, diverticular disease of the esophagus, pseudodiverticulum of the esophagus, diverticular disease of the small intestine, Meckel's diverticulum, diverticular disease of the stomach, duplication of the stomach, diverticular disease of the large intestine, diverticulitis and peridiverticulitis of the large intestine, diverticulum of the appendix, complications of diverticulitis of the large intestine, mucosal prolapse syndrome like inflammatory lesion associated with diverticular disease, filiform polyposis, and diverticular colitis. Adequate knowledge concerning the clinicopathological features of diverticular disease of the digestive tract is important for accurate clinical diagnosis and treatment.