臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.3(3-3)

特集名 B型肝炎―根絶に向けて
題名 B型肝炎の最新治療 (3) B型肝炎核酸アナログ長期治療と耐性ウイルス
発刊年月 2016年 03月
著者 柘植 雅貴 広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究院消化器・代謝内科学
著者 茶山 一彰 広島大学大学院医歯薬保健学研究院消化器・代謝内科学
【 要旨 】 2000年11月以降,B型肝疾患に対する抗ウイルス療法として,ラミブジン,アデホビル,エンテカビル,テノホビルの4種類の核酸アナログ製剤が保険適応となり,治療の中心的役割を担っている.核酸アナログ治療は,血中のHBV DNAが高率に陰性化し,ALTの正常化が得られることで,肝炎が鎮静化し,長期的には肝組織の改善や発癌抑制が期待できる一方で,長期投与に伴う腎機能障害や低リン血症といった副作用や薬剤耐性ウイルスの出現は,依然として大きな問題として残っている.さらに,核酸アナログ治療のみでは,最終目標であるHBs抗原消失を達成することは困難であり,HBs抗原消失に向けた治療工夫も大きな課題といえる.
Theme Hepatitis B : Towards the Elimination
Title Long‒Term Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B Using Nucleot(s)ide Analogues and Development of Drug‒resistant Viruses
Author Masataka Tsuge Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolism, Applied Life Sciences, Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University
Author Kazuaki Chayama Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolism, Applied Life Sciences, Institute of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University
[ Summary ] Since November 2000, 4 nucleo(s)ide analogues (NAs ; lamivudine, adefovir dipivoxil, entecavir, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) have been approved for chronic hepatitis B treatment in Japan. NA therapy can strongly suppress hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication by inhibiting DNA synthase and reverse transcription during the HBV life cycle, leading to an improvement in liver injury and suppression of hepatocarcinogenesis. However, NA therapy should be continued for long periods of time given the difficultly of achieving complete HBV eradication. However, it is important to note that prolonged NA therapy may lead to adverse events, such as renal dysfunction or hypophosphatemia, and the development of drug‒resistant HBV clones. According to the recent guidelines for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B propounded by the Japan Society of Hepatology, HBsAg loss is indicated as the final goal. However, although it is difficult to achieve this goal through NA therapy alone, novel drugs are expected to be developed that will reduce HBsAg levels.