臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.3(2-3)

特集名 B型肝炎―根絶に向けて
題名 B型肝炎の検査と予後予測 (3) HBcr抗原測定の意義
発刊年月 2016年 03月
著者 田中 榮司 信州大学医学部内科学第二教室
【 要旨 】 HBcr抗原測定系はプレコア・コア遺伝子から転写・翻訳される抗原を一括して測定する.HBVcccDNAは複製の起点であり,この量はHBVの活動性と相関する.核酸アナログ(NUC)使用下では,血中HBV DNA量はcccDNA量を反映しないが,HBcr抗原量はこれを反映するため,とくにNUC投与下でのHBV活動性の評価に有用である.NUC治療の中止基準では,中止後の肝炎再燃予測にHBcr抗原量とHBs抗原量が組み合わせで使用されている.両抗原はそれぞれ特性が異なるため,組み合わせでの評価が有用である.近年,HBcr抗原量がIFN治療効果の予測やNUC治療下での肝発癌予測に有用であることも報告され注目されている.
Theme Hepatitis B : Towards the Elimination
Title Clinical Significance of the Hepatitis B Core‒related Antigen Assay
Author Eiji Tanaka Department of Medicine, Shinshu University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Hepatocyte HBV cccDNA is the key molecule from which HBV replication starts, and thus, the amount of HBV cccDNA reflects HBV replication activity. The serum level of HB core‒related antigen (HBcrAg) has been reported as a marker reflecting cccDNA levels in hepato-cytes even under nucleo (ts) ide analogue (NUC) treatment. The HBcrAg assay measures all antigens coded by the pre‒core/core genome simultaneously, which includes HBcAg, HBeAg, and p22crAg, and has been reported to be useful for predicting clinical outcomes in patients who are treated with NUCs. The combined measurements of HBsAg and HBcrAg levels can predict reactivation of the HBV after discontinuing NUC administration, which is now included in the Japanese guidelines pertaining to NUC discontinuation. The combined measurements of HBsAg and HBcrAg levels are also reported for predicting outcomes of NUC/IFN sequential therapy. It is noteworthy that HBcrAg levels have been reported to be useful for predicting the risk of developing HCC in patients undergoing NUC therapy.