臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.3(1-3)

特集名 B型肝炎―根絶に向けて
題名 B型肝炎の疫学と病態 (3) B型肝炎再活性化とde novo B型肝炎
発刊年月 2016年 03月
著者 持田 智 埼玉医科大学消化器内科・肝臓内科
【 要旨 】 HBVは肝細胞内で複製する過程で2本鎖閉鎖環状DNAを形成し,HBs抗原陽性のキャリアのみならずHBs抗原陰性,HBcないしHBs抗体陽性の既往感染例でも,これが核内に残存する.このためHBV感染例は,免疫抑制・化学療法を実施するとウイルス増殖が活発になり,これに起因する肝炎を発症する場合がある.B型既往感染例のウイルス再活性化による肝炎がde novo B型肝炎で,劇症化する頻度が高く,予後不良である.厚生労働省研究班は2009年に予防ガイドラインを発表し,日本肝臓学会はその啓発活動を続けているが,HBV再活性化による急性肝不全症例は未だ根絶できていない.
Theme Hepatitis B : Towards the Elimination
Title De Novo Hepatitis B Due to Viral Reactivation during and/or after Immunosuppressive Therapies and/or Antineoplastic Chemotherapies
Author Satoshi Mochida Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Saitama Medical University
[ Summary ] Covalently closed circular DNA from HBV genome inevitably remains in of hepatocyte nuclei in patients with previously resolved HBV (prHBV) infection in whom serum ant‒HBc and/or anti‒HBs were positivity despite having negative serum HBs‒antigen. Thus, liver injuries due to HBV proliferation may develop in patients with prHBV infections as well as in HBV carriers with positive serum HBs‒antigen during and after immunosuppressive therapies and/or antineoplastic chemotherapies. Fulminant de novo hepatitis B frequently occurs in patients with prHBV infection and outcome of these patients was shown to be unfavorable. In 2009, the Intractable Hepato‒Biliary Diseases Study Group of Japan, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare proposed the guideline for prevention of liver injuries due to HBV reactivation, and the Japan Society of Hepatology had actively continued to develop the guideline and spread disease awareness. Fatal patients with acute liver failure, however, were enrolled in the nationwide survey even in the recent years.