臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.2(5-5)

特集名 有効性評価に基づく胃がん検診ガイドライン―内視鏡検診時代の新たなる幕開け
題名 検診対象集約への戦略―現状と課題 (5) 胃癌リスク評価と対策型検診
発刊年月 2016年 02月
著者 加藤 勝章 宮城県対がん協会がん検診センター
【 要旨 】 胃癌リスク評価ABC分類は胃癌罹患リスクの層別化には有用であり,対象集約による検診の効率化と不利益の低減,新たな受診者の掘り起こし,高リスク群の除菌治療への誘導などの効果が期待されるが,一方で,低リスク群の診断精度,高リスク群の事後管理方法,除菌群のリスク評価と除菌後胃癌対策などの問題がある.ABC分類を組み込んだ胃がん検診の有効性は未だ証明されていないため,対策型検診としての実施は未だハードルが高いが,Helicobacter pylori感染の有無によって検診による利益・不利益のずれが生じるのも問題である.少なくとも検診が正しく運用されているかを評価できる精度管理システムを構築してから導入を考慮すべきである.
Theme Evidence-based Guidelines Version 2 for Gastric Cancer Screening ; The Beginning of a New Era of Endoscopic Cancer Screening
Title Risk Evaluation and Mass Screening for Gastric Cancer
Author Katsuaki Kato The Cancer Detection Center of Miyagi Cancer Society
[ Summary ] ABC classification in combination with serum Helicobacter pylori (Hp) antibody and PG evaluation is a useful tool for stratification of predictive risk for gastric cancer development. Introduction into a population‒based screening program is expected to produce favorable results, by 1) making mass screening for gastric cancer efficient by targeting high‒risk subjects, 2) reducing unnecessary examinations for low‒risk subjects, 3) increasing the number of examinations for those who have never undergone screening, and 4) leading to eradication therapy for patients infected with Hp as a possible protective measure against gastric cancer development. However, this methodology has some serious drawbacks : 1) uncertain diagnostic accuracy for securely excluding low‒risk subjects from the screening program, 2) lack of long term monitoring of high‒risk subjects who need repeated, detailed examination, 3) undefined gastric cancer risk after successful Hp eradication, and 4) the lack of measures against post‒eradication cancer development. The efficacy of a risk‒based screening program for gastric cancer has not been scientifically verified, and the adoption of such a population‒based screening program is considered inappropriate.