臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.2(5-2)

特集名 有効性評価に基づく胃がん検診ガイドライン―内視鏡検診時代の新たなる幕開け
題名 検診対象集約への戦略―現状と課題 (2) ペプシノゲン法胃がん検診の課題―吹田市の取り組み
発刊年月 2016年 02月
著者 相馬 孝 一般社団法人吹田市医師会
著者 川西 克幸 一般社団法人吹田市医師会
【 要旨 】 吹田市では低受診率のX線法胃がん検診を補うものとして,ペプシノゲン(PG)法を平成12年度より導入した.受診初年の精検受診率は80%前後と高く,癌発見率はX線法と同等,かつ早期癌の割合が高かった.われわれは受診初年の精検に対し,陽性者に5 年連続して行う胃内視鏡精密検査を管理精検と定義しているが,予算と人手不足で受診者管理が十分にできず,管理精検受診率は非常に低かった.PG法のようなリスク検診は,比較的容易に導入できる反面,管理精検の管理と維持は非常に困難で,自治体が新規導入したり,今後始まる内視鏡検診の処理能力を補うための篩い分け検診として利用するにはかなりの熟慮と覚悟が必要であると考える.
Theme Evidence-based Guidelines Version 2 for Gastric Cancer Screening ; The Beginning of a New Era of Endoscopic Cancer Screening
Title Supplemental Gastric Cancer Screening Using the Pepsinogen Test Method : Approaches in Suita City
Author Takashi Soma Suita City Medical Association
Author Katsuyuki Kawanishi Suita City Medical Association
[ Summary ] In Suita City, the pepsinogen test method (PG test method) was introduced in 2000 as a means of supplementing radiography based gastric cancer mass screening, which has a low participation rate. During the initial year of mass screening using the PG method, the participation rate for further detailed examination among those with positive results was high, at about 80 %. The cancer detection rate was equivalent to that of the radiography based screening, and the incidence of early‒stage cancer was high. However, the participation rate in an endoscopic surveillance program, defined as an annual endoscopic examination for 5 years for individuals with positive screening results, was considerably lower because of insufficient management of targeted individuals due to the lack of funds and human resources. Risk screening that employs the PG test method can be introduced relatively easily. In contrast, the management and maintenance of the endoscopic surveillance program are extremely difficult. The introduction of the PG test method as a supplementary screening tool by the local governments would require careful consideration and preparedness because of the processing capacity that will be involved in endoscopic screening.