特集名 | 有効性評価に基づく胃がん検診ガイドライン―内視鏡検診時代の新たなる幕開け | |
題名 | 胃内視鏡検診を巡る新たなる展開 (2) 内視鏡検診の展開を目指して ― 新潟市の取り組み | |
発刊年月 | 2016年 02月 | |
著者 | 成澤 林太郎 | 県立がんセンター新潟病院内科/新潟市医師会 |
著者 | 小越 和栄 | 県立がんセンター新潟病院内科/新潟市医師会 |
著者 | 加藤 俊幸 | 県立がんセンター新潟病院内科/新潟市医師会 |
著者 | 月岡 恵 | 新潟市保健所 |
著者 | 藤田 一隆 | 新潟市医師会 |
著者 | 佐野 正俊 | 新潟市医師会 |
【 要旨 】 | 新潟市では死亡率減少効果のエビデンスを出すべく,平成15年から胃がん内視鏡検診を実施してきたが,その準備に約7年を要した.初年度年間8千例余りであった受診者は現在4万例を超えるまでになり,胃癌発見率も高い.それを支えているのが精度管理である.改訂された2014年度版のガイドラインでは,内視鏡検診が対策型として新たに推奨された.この改訂を契機に,今後多くの自治体で対策型の内視鏡検診が始まると思われるが,内視鏡画像のダブルチェックは必須であり,それによる内視鏡検査や診断技術の標準化が検診の成否を決める.. |
Theme | Evidence-based Guidelines Version 2 for Gastric Cancer Screening ; The Beginning of a New Era of Endoscopic Cancer Screening | |
Title | Aiming for the Development of Endoscopic Screening for Gastric Cancer in Niigata City | |
Author | Rintaro Narisawa | Department of Internal Medicine, Niigata Cancer Center Hospital / Committee of Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening, Niigata City Medical Association |
Author | Kazuei Ogoshi | Department of Internal Medicine, Niigata Cancer Center Hospital / Committee of Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening, Niigata City Medical Association |
Author | Toshiyuki Kato | Department of Internal Medicine, Niigata Cancer Center Hospital / Committee of Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening, Niigata City Medical Association |
Author | Satoshi Tsukioka | Public Health Center Niigata City |
Author | Kazutaka Fujita | Committee of Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening, Niigata City Medical Association |
Author | Masatoshi Sano | Committee of Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening, Niigata City Medical Association |
[ Summary ] | In Niigata city, endoscopic screening for gastric cancer has been implemented since 2003 as a public health program, to reduce mortality from gastric cancer. However, 7 years had been spent on the preparations for starting this program. The number of people examined has increased gradually from approximately 8,000 in 2003 to over 40,000 now, and appropriate quality control has preserved the high discovery rate of gastric cancer. In future, endoscopic screening as a public health program will be widely used in Japan because it was allowed by a new guideline in 2014. The most important aspect of the endoscopic screening is executing a double‒check system involving another endoscopist for all endoscopic images of all examined cases and continuously standardizing accurate endoscopic skills through such a system and workshops. |