特集名 | 有効性評価に基づく胃がん検診ガイドライン―内視鏡検診時代の新たなる幕開け | |
題名 | 胃X線検診の現状・課題,検診を支える科学的根拠 | |
発刊年月 | 2016年 02月 | |
著者 | 渋谷 大助 | 公益財団法人宮城県対がん協会がん検診センター |
【 要旨 】 | 3件のコホート研究と4件の症例対照研究より,胃X線検診は胃癌死亡率減少効果を示す相応な証拠があり,対策型検診としても任意型検診としても実施することが推奨される.ただし,検診対象は50歳以上が望ましく,不利益についても適切な説明を行うべきである. 現在の胃X線検診には受診者の高齢化,受診率の低迷,胃内視鏡検診に比べて感度が低いこと,X線読影医の不足など解決すべき多くの課題が存在する.そのため,胃X線検診のさらなる精度向上と読影医を養成する教育プログラムの開発が必要である. |
Theme | Evidence-based Guidelines Version 2 for Gastric Cancer Screening ; The Beginning of a New Era of Endoscopic Cancer Screening | |
Title | Current Status and Issues in Gastric Cancer Screening Using Photofluorography : Evidence to Recommend the Screening Test for Population—Based Gastric Cancer Screening | |
Author | Daisuke Shibuya | Cancer Detection Center, Miyagi Cancer Society |
[ Summary ] | There is reasonable evidence of reduction in gastric cancer mortality by gastric cancer screening using photofluorography, according to 3 cohort and 4 case‒control studies. Gastric cancer screening using photofluorography is recommended for population‒based and opportunistic screening in Japan, considering the balance of benefits and harms. However, desirably, individuals aged more than 50 years should be requested to attend the screening program and given appropriate explanation regarding the harms caused by the screening program. Gastric cancer screening using photofluorography is associated with many unsolved problems, such as aging of the examinees, low consultation rates, low sensitivity compared to that of endoscopy, and lack of radiologists. Therefore, it is necessary to develop educational programs to train radiologists and to further improve the accuracy of gastric cancer screening using photofluorography. |