臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.13(2)

特集名 いわゆる“早期の膵癌”―その発生機序と診断
題名 病理からみた“早期の膵癌”―その発生機序を含めて
発刊年月 2016年 12月
著者 柳澤 昭夫 京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科人体病理学/京都第一赤十字病院病理診断科
【 要旨 】 膵管癌の発生過程には,腺腫を経て浸潤癌adenoma‒carcinoma sequenceに至る経路と,腺腫を経ず浸潤癌に至る経路de novoがある.前者はIPMN由来癌であり,後者は腺腫を経ずに発生,浸潤する通常型浸潤性膵管癌である.“長期予後が期待できる早期膵癌”には,“非浸潤性の癌”と“わずかに浸潤した浸潤性膵癌”が含まれる.わずかに浸潤した膵癌とは,どの程度の浸潤かは不明であるが,浸潤がわずかであればあるほど予後は良いことが推測される.わずかな浸潤の癌を見つけるためには,癌には発生してすぐに浸潤する癌と,ある程度膵管内を進展したのち浸潤する癌があることを知っておくことが重要である.
Theme Diagnostic Strategy for Early Stage Pancreatic Cancer
Title Analysis of "Early Pancreatic Cancer" from a Pathological Standpoint -- and Its Developmental Mechanism
Author Akio Yanagisawa Department of Pathology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine / Department of Pathology, Japanese Red Cross Kyoto Daiichi Hospital
[ Summary ] There are two postulated developmental pathways for pancreatic ductal carcinoma : 1) the adenoma‒carcinoma sequence, in which invasive carcinoma develops via an adenoma, and 2) the de novo pathway, in which adenoma formation does not precede the development of invasive carcinoma. The former pathway results in the development of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN)‒ derived carcinoma, while the latter results in the development of invasive pancreatic ductal carcinoma. Early pancreatic cancer, in which a good long‒term prognosis can be expected, includes non‒invasive cancer and invasive pancreatic cancer with slight invasion. Although the extent of invasion is unspecified in pancreatic cancer with slight invasion, it is speculated that less invasion is correlated with a better prognosis. For detecting cancer with slight invasion, it is important to know that some pancreatic cancers show invasion soon after their development, while others show invasion only after extending into the pancreatic duct. Mucous cell hyperplasia is highly likely to be a precancerous lesion of pancreatic cancer.