臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.11(5-6)

特集名 インターフェロン・フリーC型肝炎治療
題名 注意すべき症例の治療(6)C型肝炎抗ウイルス治療後の肝発癌
発刊年月 2016年 10月
著者 平松 直樹 大阪労災病院消化器内科/大阪大学大学院医学系研究科消化器内科学
【 要旨 】 C型肝炎は,IFN治療の著効例において顕著な発癌抑制効果が認められるが,著効後発癌も少なくない.C型肝炎に対する抗ウイルス治療は,IFN治療の時代からDAAsによるIFNフリー治療となって,治療対象が拡がり,また高率に著効が得られるようになった.しかし,こうした著効例には,高い発癌リスクを有する高齢者や肝線維化進展例が多い.したがって,ウイルス排除後も,糖・脂質代謝異常の改善や飲酒制限などの日常生活習慣指導を行うとともに,長期にわたる発癌サーベイランスが必要である.ことにIFNフリー治療による著効例では,従来のIFN baseの治療による著効例と同等の発癌抑制効果が得られるか否かは明らかでなく,治療後の発癌には十分な注意が必要である.
Theme Interferon-free Treatment of Hepatitis C
Title Hepatocellular Carcinoma Development in Hepatitis C Patients Given Antiviral Therapy
Author Naoki Hiramatsu Department of Gastroenterology, Osaka Rosai Hospital / Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] This review article summarizes the suppressive effect of interferon (IFN)‒based therapies on the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the risk factors for developing HCC, and the characteristics of HCC development after sustained virologic response (SVR) among chronic hepatitis C patients administered an IFN‒based therapy. The HCC incidence decreases with IFN‒based antiviral therapy, especially in patients with SVR, and the risk factors for developing HCC included ageing, development of advanced liver fibrosis, and gender (with an increased prevalence in men). Alfa‒fetoprotein levels in the patient at 24 weeks after IFN‒based treatment was strongly associated with HCC incidence, irrespective of the virologic response. In patients with SVR, other risk factors for developing HCC included the development of glucose metabolism disorders or lipid metabolism disorders and alcohol consumption by patients. In case of patients with SVR, it is necessary to be extra vigilant against the risk of developing HCC. However, whether IFN‒free treatment using HCV‒specific direct‒acting antivirals (DAAs) can suppress HCC to the same levels as IFN‒based treatment is not well understood ; further research is required to clarify this point.