臨牀消化器内科 Vol.31 No.11(5-3)

特集名 インターフェロン・フリーC型肝炎治療
題名 注意すべき症例の治療(3)肝移植後のC型肝炎抗ウイルス治療
発刊年月 2016年 10月
著者 上田 佳秀 京都大学大学院医学研究科消化器内科学
【 要旨 】 肝移植後C型肝炎は進行が速く,長期予後が悪い.そのため,抗HCV治療が必要であるが,これまで行われてきたインターフェロンを含む治療法は,効果は低く拒絶反応を含めた有害事象が問題であった.最近のインターフェロンフリー治療の登場により,肝移植後C型肝炎に対する治療も劇的に変化してきている.海外からの報告では,ソホスブビルを中心としたインターフェロンフリー治療を肝移植前後に行うことにより,高い効果と安全性が示されている.今後,免疫抑制薬との薬物相互作用などの問題点を解決し,インターフェロンフリー治療を用いた標準的治療法を確立させることによって,HCV陽性肝移植例の予後の改善が期待できる.
Theme Interferon-free Treatment of Hepatitis C
Title Treatment for Recurrent Hepatitis C after Liver Transplantation
Author Yoshihide Ueda Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto University
[ Summary ] Recurrence of hepatitis C after liver transplantation is a major problem ; it is characterized by rapid progression of the disease, cholestatic hepatitis, and coexistence of other liver complications, such as rejection and biliary complications. In the treatment of HCV infection, peginterferon and ribavirin have been administered in the past, to prevent progression of hepatitis C after liver transplantation. However, this treatment has low efficacy and causes many adverse events, including immune‒mediated graft dysfunction. Interferon‒containing regimens with direct‒acting antivirals (DAAs) improve treatment efficacy, but DAAs cause serious adverse events and may lead to drug‒drug interactions. Recent studies have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of interferon‒free therapy with DAAs before and after liver transplantation, which has ushered in a new era of treatment strategies for treating HCV in transplant recipients. Interferon‒free therapies are safe and effective in patients before and after liver transplantation, as well as in those with fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis C. However, several obstacles must be overcome before the widespread adoption of interferon‒free therapy, such as overcoming drug‒drug interactions, developing a treatment strategy for treating decompensated cirrhosis, and treating renal failure. These problems are expected to be solved in the near future, and the poor prognosis of HCV‒positive recipients is likely to improve soon.