臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.8(9)

特集名 進行肝細胞癌の治療戦略
題名 肝外転移をもつ進行肝細胞癌の治療と成績
発刊年月 2015年 07月
著者 内野 康志 東京大学大学院医学系研究科消化器内科学
著者 建石 良介 東京大学大学院医学系研究科消化器内科学
著者 小池 和彦 東京大学大学院医学系研究科消化器内科学
【 要旨 】 肝細胞癌に対する治療は進歩したが,肝外転移症例の予後は現在も不良である.ソラフェニブは進行肝細胞癌に対する予後延長効果が証明された唯一の治療であるが,その効果は満足のいくものではなく,肝内および肝外病変に対し集学的治療が行われる場合も多い.肝外転移に対する局所療法として,肺,リンパ節,副腎転移の切除,骨,脳,リンパ節,副腎転移に対する放射線療法などの報告がある.われわれの検討では予後規定因子として,肝内病変の制御とperformance statusが重要であり,肝内病変が制御され,肝予備能やperformance statusが良好な症例に対しては集学的治療を検討してよいだろう.しかし,こうした集学的治療のエビデンスは十分ではなく今後も検討が必要である.
Theme Treatment Strategy for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Title Treatment for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Extrahepatic Metastasis
Author Koji Uchino Department of Gastroenterology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Author Ryosuke Tateishi Department of Gastroenterology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Author Kazuhiko Koike Department of Gastroenterology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
[ Summary ] Despite significant advances in the treatment of intrahepatic lesions, the prognosis of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with extrahepatic metastasis remains poor. Sorafenib is the only treatment proven to have efficacy in RCT for such patients. However, since the efficacy of sorafenib is not completely satisfactory, in real‒world settings, intrahepatic and extrahepatic lesions are frequently treated with multidisciplinary treatments including various loco‒regional procedures. Surgical resection of lung, lymph node, and adrenal grand metastases and radiation therapy for bone, brain, lymph node and adrenal grand metastases have been previously reported as treatment options for extrahepatic metastasis. We have previously reported that controllability of intrahepatic lesions and performance status are important prognostic factors in patients with extrahepatic metastasis. Therefore, patients with intrahepatic lesions under control, good performance status, and preserved liver function are candidates for multidisciplinary treatment. So far, definitive clinical evidence of a survival benefit from multidisciplinary treatment for advanced HCC with extrahepatic metastasis is lacking. Further studies are needed in this area.