臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.8(5)

特集名 進行肝細胞癌の治療戦略
題名 進行肝細胞癌への肝動脈化学塞栓療法(TACE)の適応と成績
発刊年月 2015年 07月
著者 宮山 士朗 福井県済生会病院放射線科
著者 真田 拓 福井県済生会病院放内科
著者 野ツ俣 和夫 福井県済生会病院放内科
著者 上田 晃之 福井県済生会病院放内科
著者 松田 尚登 福井県済生会病院放内科
著者 渡邉 弘之 福井県済生会病院放内科
【 要旨 】 Child‒Pugh分類Aで7cm以下4個以内の症例では,超選択的肝動脈化学塞栓療法(TACE)により良好な予後が期待できる.限局した大型腫瘍でも超選択的TACEにより良好な効果が得られるが,肝外側副路からの供血が高頻度に認められ,分割TACEも必要となる.門脈内腫瘍栓ではVp1,2で超選択的TACEが奏効し,Vp3,4も場合により適応となる.肝静脈~下大静脈内腫瘍栓もTACEの適応となるが,肺塞栓に注意する.胆管内腫瘍栓はTACE後に脱落し結石様症状を呈し,内視鏡での摘出を要する.遠隔転移を伴う症例でも肝病変が予後規定因子である場合はTACEの適応となり,分子標的薬の併用にも期待がもたれる.
Theme Treatment Strategy for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Title Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization (TACE) for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma : Indication and Outcomes
Author Shiro Miyayama Departments of Diagnostic Radiology, Fukuiken Saiseikai Hospital
Author Taku Sanada Departments of Internal Medicine, Fukuiken Saiseikai Hospital
Author Kazuo Notsumata Departments of Internal Medicine, Fukuiken Saiseikai Hospital
Author Teruyuki Ueda Departments of Internal Medicine, Fukuiken Saiseikai Hospital
Author Hisato Matsuda Departments of Internal Medicine, Fukuiken Saiseikai Hospital
Author Hiroyuki Watanabe Departments of Internal Medicine, Fukuiken Saiseikai Hospital
[ Summary ] In Child‒Pugh class A patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ≤7 cm and with fewer than four lesions, a good prognosis can be expected if they are treated with superselective transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE). Superselective TACE can also produce excellent outcomes in patients with large tumors and fewer than three lesions ; however, TACE via the extrahepatic collaterals and stepwise TACE sessions are frequently required. TACE is indicated for patients with a tumor thrombus in the second or third portal branch and is also indicated for selected patients with tumor thrombus in the first portal branch or the main portal trunk. TACE for tumor thrombus in the hepatic vein and inferior vena cava is one of the effective therapeutic options;however, it has a risk of pulmonary embolism. TACE is also effective for bile duct tumor thrombus. However, all intraductal tumor thrombi are dropped into the common bile duct after superselective TACE, and endoscopic removal of necrotic tumor casts is required. TACE is also indicated for patients with extrahepatic metastases whose intrahepatic tumors are thought likely to become the main cause of death. Administration of antiangiogenic agents may also make it possible to expand the indications of TACE for HCC patients with extrahepatic lesions.