臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.8(2)

特集名 進行肝細胞癌の治療戦略
題名 進行肝細胞癌治療における画像検査とバイオマーカーの意義
発刊年月 2015年 07月
著者 土谷 薫 武蔵野赤十字病院消化器科
著者 安井 豊 武蔵野赤十字病院消化器科
著者 黒崎 雅之 武蔵野赤十字病院消化器科
著者 泉 並木 武蔵野赤十字病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 進行肝細胞癌の画像検査,とくに分子標的薬治療において治療開始後の画像評価は腫瘍濃染域を評価する基準(mRECIST,RECICLEなど)が用いられている.また腫瘍濃染の減少をバイオマーカーとする報告やMRI拡散強調画像やFDG‒PETのSUVmaxの変化で治療反応性を評価する研究もあり,今後は単なる効果判定ではなく予後予測可能なバイオマーカーとして画像所見を検討することが重要である.血清バイオマーカーとしては従来の腫瘍マーカーであるAFPを超えるものは未だ報告されていないが,とくに化学療法においては治療前のpredictive biomarkerとして他癌腫のように遺伝子変異やタンパク発現を評価して治療を選択する時代が到来している.
Theme Treatment Strategy for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Title Imaging Diagnosis and Biomarkers in Patients with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Author Kaoru Tsuchiya Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Musashino Red Cross Hospital
Author Yutaka Yasui Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Musashino Red Cross Hospital
Author Masayuki Kurosaki Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Musashino Red Cross Hospital
Author Namiki Izumi Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Musashino Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] Currently, evaluation of any therapeutic effect in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is performed using modified RECIST (response evaluation criteria in solid tumors) criteria and/or RECICL (response evaluation criteria in cancer of the liver), which depends on changes in tumor vascularity. The Choi criteria were used for patients with GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor) and in some reports, these criteria were more valuable than other criteria in patients treated with TARE (transarterial radioembolization). Further large scale prospective studies are necessary to verify the clinical usefulness of the Choi criteria in patients with advanced HCC. PET (positron emission tomogrphy)‒CT is useful for evaluating distant metastasis in advanced HCC, although there is no recommendation to use it for cancer screening. There is no established biomarker for advanced HCC except AFP (αfetoprotein), and the AFP level is within the normal range (<20 ng/ml) in about 30 % of patients with advanced HCC. In a phase II trial of a MET inhibitor, for patients with MET‒high tumors, the median time to progression was longer for patients treated with the MET inhibitor than for patients on placebo. In the near future, patients with advanced HCC would be expected to have a tumor biopsy before their treatment. We can then provide tailor‒made medical treatment and multidisciplinary therapy based on the expression of various genes and proteins in the individual tumor.