臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.5(11-2)

特集名 消化器内視鏡診療における適切な鎮静法―新ガイドラインの正しい理解・運用のために
題名 治療内視鏡における鎮静法と問題点 (2) 胆膵疾患に対する内視鏡治療症例
発刊年月 2015年 05月
著者 宇野 耕治 京都第二赤十字病院消化器内科
著者 中瀬 浩二朗 京都第二赤十字病院消化器内科
著者 安田 健治朗 京都第二赤十字病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 胆膵内視鏡治療は比較的侵襲度が高く,時間も要するため,患者満足度や手技完遂の観点より鎮静が必要不可欠である.
Theme Optimal Sedation in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy : Understanding and Using the New Guidelines Correctly
Title Sedation During Therapeutic Procedures for Pancreaticobiliary Diseases
Author Koji Uno Department of Gastroenterology, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
Author Kojiro Nakase Department of Gastroenterology, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
Author Kenjiro Yasuda Department of Gastroenterology, Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] Therapeutic procedures for pancreaticobiliary diseases are invasive and take a relatively long time. In these procedures, sedation is essential to improve patient satisfaction and procedure success rates.
Sedatives such as midazolam and/or analgesics such as pethidine hydrochloride are administrated for sedation during endoscopic procedures. Recently, the intravenous anesthetic propofol has also started to be administered for sedation in some cases.
Respiratory and hemodynamic adverse events may occur during endoscopic procedures under sedation. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the patient's condition and obtain the patient's informed consent prior to conducting the procedure. During the procedure, medical staff other than operator should observe the patient using cardiopulmonary monitoring in order to prevent the occurrence of some of the adverse events. Following the procedure, it is necessary to continue patient observation due to the potential occurrence of recurrent sedative effects.