臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.4(6)

特集名 超高齢者の消化器疾患―その特徴と治療上の注意
題名 超高齢者に対する早期大腸癌の治療
発刊年月 2015年 04月
著者 加藤 順 和歌山県立医科大学第二内科
【 要旨 】 早期大腸癌の治療では,内視鏡治療可能か,外科的手術が必要か,の見極めが重要である.超高齢者では,早期大腸癌以外に生命予後を左右する併存症を有していることが多く,内視鏡治療では根治不可能な病変や,内視鏡治療後にリンパ節転移のリスクのある患者に対し,外科的手術を選択すべきなのか,というのは,その患者の併存症,およびそれによる生命予後なども併せて考慮する必要がある.また,早期大腸癌に対する各診断法の正診率,各治療法の合併症率なども踏まえたうえで,超高齢者の早期大腸癌治療で合併症を生じた場合の対処法の可否なども慎重に検討し,その患者にとって最良と思われる治療方針を決定する必要がある.
Theme Digestive Diseases of the Aged Over 85 -- the Characteristics and Therapeutic Points
Title Treatment of Early Colorectal Cancer in "Oldest‒old" Patients
Author Jun Kato Second Department of Internal Medicine, Wakayama Medical University
[ Summary ] A critical decision point in the management of early colorectal cancer involves determining whether treatment can be accomplished by endoscopic resection alone or if it requires surgery. "Oldest‒old" patients frequently have multiple comorbidities, increasing their risk of surgical complications and, on occasion, their risk of mortality. In these patients, when endoscopic resection will not be curative for early colorectal cancer, the benefits and risks of surgery should be carefully considered.
Physicians should be familiar with the current average prognosis with early colorectal cancer and the expected prognosis of comorbidities with which "oldest‒old" patients are likely to be affected. In addition, the clinician's degree of diagnostic accuracy will greatly affect treatment strategy, such as endoscopic resection or various surgical modalities, including magnifying endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasonography. Finally, treatment decisions will be impacted by complication rates of endoscopic resection and surgery. Based on all available information described above, informed consent should outline the plan of treatment and the factors that were considered in the decision making process.