臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.4(10)

特集名 超高齢者の消化器疾患―その特徴と治療上の注意
題名 超高齢者に対するPEGはどこまで行うか?
発刊年月 2015年 04月
著者 有本 之嗣 須波宗斉会病院
【 要旨 】 超高齢者に対するPEGの適応は,一律に決定することは困難である.超高齢者であるが故に生理機能,運動機能の低下があり,複雑な病態となっている.低栄養がさらにこれらを悪化させている.栄養状態の改善は全般的にこれらを改善することが予想されるが,予後・予命と生活の質とあわせて社会的な論議となっている.
Theme Digestive Diseases of the Aged Over 85 -- the Characteristics and Therapeutic Points
Title Indication for PEG Should be Determined According to Individual Conditions
Author Yukitsugu Arimoto Sunami Shusaikai Hospital
[ Summary ] The proportion of very elderly people in Japan is increasing. Recently, the indication for PEG in very elderly people is challenging owing to their physical condition. Moreover, QOL has emerged as a social issue that affects prognosis in the very elderly.
The indication for PEG for very elderly people is determined on the basis of several social issues. A nutrition challenge test is considered to available for these very elderly people. Nutrition therapy via PEG may be effective for these patients, after considering both social and medical conditions.