臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.2(5-4)

特集名 機能性消化管疾患―病態の解明と新たな治療
題名 機能性消化管疾患の治療 (4) 機能性消化管疾患の精神科的治療
発刊年月 2015年 02月
著者 金子 宏 星ヶ丘マタニティ病院内科・心療内科
【 要旨 】 精神科的治療は精神療法と向精神薬による薬物療法から成り立つ.専門家によって実施されるが,頻度が高く心身両面からの治療が有効である機能性消化管疾患(FGID)では消化器内科医が精神面の治療もする必要がある.心理社会的警報の質問票を活用して深刻な心理社会的問題がある場合は専門家に紹介する.FGID診療ガイドライン2014のステートメントでは,FGIDに精神療法と一部の向精神薬は有効であり,使用することが提案されている.精神療法では催眠療法が有効で効果が持続することが特記される.認知行動療法はうつ,不安を併存しやすい難治性FGID治療に実施する.抗不安薬,抗うつ薬は効果,副作用,依存性,危険性を認識したうえで適正にFGID治療に使用する.
Theme Unraveling of the Pathophysiology of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders and Updated Treatments
Title Psychiatric Therapy for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders
Author Hiroshi Kaneko Department of Internal & Psychosomatic Medicine, Hoshigaoka Maternity Hospital
[ Summary ] "Psychiatric therapy is composed of psychotherapy and psychotropic therapy. These therapies are typically performed by psychiatric specialists and clinical psychotherapists. However, it might be necessary for gastroenterologists to care for patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) from a psychological viewpoint as well as a biological viewpoint, due to the high prevalence of psychological problems amongst these patients and the proven efficacy of a bio‒psychological approach to treatment. However, the "psychosocial alarm questionnaire for FGID" may indicate that a patient has a more serious psychological problem, suggesting that the physician should consider referring the patient to a mental health professional. Statements in the "Clinical Guideline of FGID 2014" edited by the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology, demonstrate that psychotherapy and some psychotropic medicines are effective, and propose their use for patients with functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Of note, hypnotherapy has been proven to be effective and to have a long‒lasting effect. Cognitive behavioral therapy should be performed for intractable FGID, in which anxiety and depression are frequent comorbidities. Based on the understanding of the effect, adverse effect, dependency, and risk of anxiolytic and antidepressant drugs, psychotropic medicines should be prescribed for FGID.