臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.2(4-1)

特集名 機能性消化管疾患―病態の解明と新たな治療
題名 機能性消化管疾患と発症機序 (1) 機能性消化管疾患と心理社会的因子
発刊年月 2015年 02月
著者 阿部哲也 関西医科大学心療内科学講座
著者 福永幹彦 関西医科大学心療内科学講座
【 要旨 】 機能性消化管疾患は,他の器質性消化管疾患と同程度の消化管症状による苦痛がありながら,強い不安や抑うつを伴う疾患である.心理社会的な 苦悩は消化管症状よりも強いことが多く,またそれらは急性胃腸炎後の機能性消化管疾患発症誘因となったり,症状重篤度や予後の予測因子になったりするほど,疾患との密接な関連を示している.身体的にも,心理的ストレスが消化管粘膜の肥満細胞や腸内細菌に作用して,胃適応性弛緩不全や消化管伸展刺激時の知覚過敏を引き起こすメカニズムが解明されており,治療を考える際にも心理社会的因子の考慮は有用である.
Theme Unraveling of the Pathophysiology of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders and Updated Treatments
Title Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders and Psychosomatic Factors
Author Tetsuya Abe Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kansai Medical University
Author Mikihiko Fukunaga Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Kansai Medical University
[ Summary ] The gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) are as severe as the symptoms of organic gastrointestinal disease. There is a high prevalence of anxiety in patients with FGID, and early life events, such as sexual abuse, are associated with the occurrence of FGID. For patients with FGID, psychosocial problems are more frequently the main complaint compared to gastrointestinal symptoms. Furthermore, psychosocial traits are predictive of the prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms, the occurrence of FGID, and the severity of FGID symptoms and their outcome. Experimentally induced anxiety would alter gastric and colonic sensorimotor function in both healthy adults and patients with FGID by influencing the gut microbiota and mucosal mast cells in the GI tract ; however, patients with FGID are considered to have a pathological mechanism that results in a more exaggerated response to psychological stimulation compared to healthy controls.