臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.12(4-2)

特集名 LECS(laparoscopy and endoscopy cooperative surgery)の新たな展開
題名 胃以外への応用 (2) 大腸におけるLECS
発刊年月 2015年 11月
著者 為我井 芳郎 がん研有明病院内視鏡診療部
著者 岸原 輝仁 がん研有明病院内視鏡診療部
著者 福長 洋介 がん研有明病院消化器外科
著者 千野 晶子 がん研有明病院内視鏡診療部
著者 藤本 佳也 がん研有明病院消化器外科
著者 秋吉 高志 がん研有明病院消化器外科
著者 小西 毅 がん研有明病院消化器外科
著者 上野 雅資 がん研有明病院消化器外科
著者 五十嵐 正広 がん研有明病院内視鏡診療部
【 要旨 】 粘膜下層に高度な線維化を伴った大腸腫瘍のESDでは,一括切除が困難で穿孔の危険性が高く,安全性と根治性から見た限界領域が存在する.大腸ESD1,016病変のうち線維化例は245病変で,線維化の要因から,非癌性線維化(type B)と癌のSM浸潤に伴った癌性線維化(type C)に,線維化の程度は軽度:1~高度:3の3段階に分類した.一括切除率は非線維化例では752/771病変(97.5%),線維化例ではB‒3,C‒3で有意に低下し,穿孔は3病変(0.3%)ですべてtype Bであった.すなわち粘膜内病変で,原則内視鏡治療の適応であるtype B‒3の高度線維化例のなかに一括切除率ならびに穿孔から見たESDの限界が存在する.
以上の内視鏡治療の限界の克服を目的とし,正確な側方断端を確保しつつESDの手技を併用して一括全層切除を行うLECSを開発した.大腸LECSの適応は,局所全層切除にて根治しうる腹膜反転部より口側の病変で,(1) 内視鏡治療後や外科手術後の遺残再発病変で,広範で強固な粘膜下層の線維化を伴う粘膜内癌ならびに腺腫category 3,4,5‒1:Vienna classification),(2) 粘膜下腫瘍,(3) 憩室や虫垂内に進展した粘膜内癌ならびに腺腫,である.以上の適応に準じ,ESDでは穿孔の危険性が高いと判定された8例にLECSを施行したが,合併症もなく安全に遂行された.
Theme New Developments in Laparoscopy and Endoscopy Cooperative Surgery (LECS)
Title Laparoscopy Endoscopy Cooperative Surgery (LECS) for Colorectal Tumors
Author Yoshiro Tamegai Endoscopy Division, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foudation For Cancer Reaerch
Author Teruhito Kishihara Endoscopy Division, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foudation For Cancer Reaerch
Author Yosuke Fukunaga Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foudation For Cancer Reaerch
Author Akiko Chino Endoscopy Division, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foudation For Cancer Reaerch
Author Yoshiya Fujimoto Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foudation For Cancer Reaerch
Author Takashi Akiyoshi Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foudation For Cancer Reaerch
Author Tsuyoshi Konishi Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foudation For Cancer Reaerch
Author Masashi Ueno Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foudation For Cancer Reaerch
Author Masahiro Igarashi Endoscopy Division, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foudation For Cancer Reaerch
[ Summary ] The usefulness of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for lesions with fibrosis is limited from the viewpoint of safety and curability. For this reason, we established the laparoscopy‒endoscopy cooperative surgery (LECS) procedure applied with the ESD technique to complete a safe one‒piece resection with adequate surgical margin. We performed ESD of 1,016 colorectal tumors in 993 patients (male‒to‒female ratio, 580 : 413; mean age, 65.7 years). In 245 cases, the tumors were accompanied by fibrosis. These cases were divided into three groups, namely colorectal tumors without fibrosis (type A), colorectal tumors with fibrosis due to benign causes (biopsy, recurrence after EMR, etc.; type B), and colorectal tumors with fibrosis due to cancer invasion in the SM layer (type C). The one‒piece resection rates were as follows : type A; 724/743 (97.4 %), type B‒1; 73/76 (96.1 %), B‒2 : 36/40 (90.0 %), B‒3 : 22/38 (57.9 %), type C‒1 : 42/42 (100 %), C‒2 : 15/16 (93.8 %), C‒3 : 13/26 (50 %). We experienced three cases (0.3 %) of perforation among the type B cases. In the type B‒3 cases accompanied by a severe degree fibrosis, one‒piece resection was more difficult owing to the risk of perforation. The limitation of the application of ESD in these lesions is thought to lie on its safety and curability. We established the LECS procedure in order to achieve a safe one‒piece resection with adequate surgical margin. Indications of the LECS procedure for colorectal tumors were thought to be as follows : intramucosal carcinoma and adenoma that are accompanied by wide and severe degree of fibrosis due to tumor recurrence after endoscopic and surgical resection (categories 3, 4, and 5‒1 : Vienna classification); submucosal tumors; intramucosal carcinoma;and adenoma involving the appendix or diverticle. We successfully performed one‒piece resection for 8 cases by using the LECS procedure, for which the application of endoscopic resection was considered limited because of the high risk of perforation.