臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.12(2)

特集名 LECS(laparoscopy and endoscopy cooperative surgery)の新たな展開
題名 十二指腸局所切除の概念・分類・適応疾患
発刊年月 2015年 11月
著者 阿部 展次 杏林大学医学部外科
著者 小島 洋平 杏林大学医学部外科
著者 橋本 佳和 杏林大学医学部外科
著者 竹内 弘久 杏林大学医学部外科
著者 長尾 玄 杏林大学医学部外科
著者 鈴木 裕 杏林大学医学部外科
著者 正木 忠彦 杏林大学医学部外科
著者 森 俊幸 杏林大学医学部外科
著者 杉山 政則 杏林大学医学部外科
【 要旨 】 十二指腸の代表的な局所切除術には経十二指腸的切除術や全層部分切除術がある.腹腔鏡・内視鏡合同手術(laparoscopy and endoscopy cooperative surgery;LECS)やそれに類似する手術は後者の一亜型であり,最近では内視鏡的切除+漿膜筋層補強縫合という広義のLECSと位置づけられる術式も開発されている.LECSを含む局所切除術の基本的な適応は,リンパ節転移のない腫瘍(腺腫や粘膜内癌など)であるが,どの局所切除術を選択するかは,腫瘍の種類(粘膜露出病変か粘膜下腫瘍か,など)や大きさ,部位,周在,乳頭との位置関係,技術的事項などの複数因子を十分に考慮したうえで決定される.LECSの最大の利点は,必要最小限の全層部分切除を可能とすることであり,内腔の狭い十二指腸でこそ,その真価を発揮できる可能性がある.その一方で,新しい術式であるがゆえ,適応や技術的問題,安全性,長期成績など,今後検討すべき事項が多いことを銘記すべきである.
Theme New Developments in Laparoscopy and Endoscopy Cooperative Surgery (LECS)
Title Concept and Indication of Local Resection of Duodenal Tumors
Author Nobutsugu Abe Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Author Youhei Kojima Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Author Yoshikazu Hashimoto Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Author Hirohisa Takeuchi Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Author Gen Nagao Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Author Yutaka Suzuki Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Author Tadahiko Masaki Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Author Toshiyuki Mori Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Author Masanori Sugiyama Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The representative methods of surgical local resection of the duodenum include transduodenal excision and local full‒thickness resection. Classical LECS (laparoscopy and endoscopy cooperative surgery) is a new modification of the latter. More recently, a new method of local resection/LECS, that is, ESD (endoscopic submucosal dissection) followed by laparoscopic seromuscular suturing, has also been developed. An optimal selection algorithm for each surgical procedure for duodenal tumors remains controversial because of the complexity of the relevant anatomy, its rarity, and the wide spectrum of pathologies that can be encountered. Mucosal carcinoma, as well as adenoma, benign non‒epithelial tumors, and GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor), rarely metastasizes to lymph nodes. Therefore, even when surgery is indicated, local resection that is as small as possible without lymphadenectomy such as transduodenal excision or local full‒thickness resection, including LECS, should be undertaken as an alternative to pancreatoduodenectomy. LECS enables en bloc and full‒thickness resection with a minimally sufficient surgical margin, both vertically and laterally, in the narrow lumen of the duodenum, although future studies are required to evaluate the indication, reliability, safety, and long‒term outcomes.