臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.10(3-2)

特集名 急性胆道炎 ― TG13:Updated Tokyo Guidelinesに基づいた診療の現況
題名 診断 (2) 急性胆囊炎
発刊年月 2015年 09月
著者 岡本 好司 北九州市立八幡病院外科/消化器・肝臓病センター/急性胆管炎・胆囊炎診療ガイドライン改訂出版委員会
【 要旨 】 急性胆囊炎の臨床徴候は発熱や,右季肋部痛(心窩部痛),圧痛,筋性防御,Murphy's signなどである.血液検査は,特異的なものは存在しないが,全身の炎症と局所(胆囊)の炎症を反映する所見は認められる.Tokyo Guidelines 2013(TG13)では,急性胆囊炎の診断基準と重症度判定基準が設定された.これらを用いて,診療バンドルに則って診療にあたり,予後改善を目指すべきである.さらに,自施設で治療困難と判断した場合,搬送基準に従い,迅速にhigh‒volume centerに搬送すべきことも念頭に置くべきである.各施設からのさらなるエビデンスの発信を期待し,次回のTGの改訂に活かされれば良いと考えられる.
Theme The Present State of Management of Acute Cholangitis and Cholecystitis
Title Diagnosis of Acute Cholecystitis
Author Kohji Okamoto Department of Surgery, Center for Gastroenterology and Liver Disease, Kitakyushu City Yahata Hospital
[ Summary ] Acute cholecystitis should be suspected when Murphy's sign, local inflammatory findings in the gallbladder such as right upper quadrant abdominal pain and tenderness, and fever and systemic inflammatory reaction findings are detected in blood tests. Tokyo Guidelines 2013 (TG13) presents new standards for the diagnosis, severity grading, and management of acute cholecystitis. Moreover, TG13 has adopted the management bundles for acute cholecystitis. Critical parts of the bundles in TG13 include diagnostic process, severity assessment, transfer of patients if necessary, therapeutic approach, and time course. Observance of these critical parts should improve the prognosis of acute cholecystitis. When utilizing TG13 management bundles, further clinical research needs to be conducted to evaluate their effectiveness and outcomes. We expect that the present report will lead to evidence construction and contribute to further updating of the Tokyo Guidelines.