臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.10(3-1)

特集名 急性胆道炎 ― TG13:Updated Tokyo Guidelinesに基づいた診療の現況
題名 診断 (1) 急性胆管炎
発刊年月 2015年 09月
著者 横江 正道 名古屋第二赤十字病院総合内科/急性胆管炎・胆囊炎診療ガイドライン改訂出版委員会
【 要旨 】 急性胆管炎の診断に当たっては,腹痛・発熱・黄疸といったいわゆるCharcot 3徴が伝統的に重用されてきた.しかし,急性胆管炎・胆囊炎の診療ガイドラインが作成され,診断基準や重症度判定基準が設定された.現在では日本国内のみならず,「国際版Tokyo Guidelines for the management of acute cholangitis and cholecystitis」も発刊され,世界的にもガイドラインを用いた診療が一般になりつつある.2013年の改訂により,多施設共同研究を行い,診断精度を高めるうえで,診断基準から腹痛の項目がなくなった.また,重症度判定基準では前版では中等症の判定基準がなかったが,今回の改訂において,5つの判定因子を設定して初期診断時にも中等症が判定できるようになった.ガイドラインを用いて診療することにより,適切な診断とその治療方針を取ることで,予後改善が進む可能性が高まると思われる.
Theme The Present State of Management of Acute Cholangitis and Cholecystitis
Title Acute Cholangitis:Diagnosis and Severity Assessment
Author Masamichi Yokoe Japanese Red Cross Nagoya Daini Hospital
[ Summary ] Charcot's triad has traditionally been used to diagnose acute cholangitis. Since their publication in the 2007 Tokyo Guidelines for management of acute cholangitis and cholecystitis (TG07), the diagnostic and severity assessment criteria for acute cholangitis have become the primary standard used worldwide. The diagnostic criteria have been updated through clinical implementation and assessment in multicenter analyses. The revised diagnostic criteria for acute cholangitis include clinical and laboratory signs of cholestasis and inflammation in addition to imaging findings which indicate biliary manifestations. The severity assessment criteria proposed in the TG07, which called for determining grades II and I at the time of diagnosis, proved impossible and therefore unsuitable for clinical use. Therefore, severity assessment criteria described in the 2013 revised Tokyo Guidelines (TG13) maintain the timing of biliary drainage and treatment of the disease etiology. Based on evidence, five predictive factors for poor prognosis in acute cholangitis have been identified : (1) hyperbilirubinemia, (2) high fever, (3) leukocytosis, (4) advanced patient age, (5) hypoalbuminemia. Grade II acute cholangitis can be diagnosed if two of these five factors are present.