臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.1(6-1)

特集名 消化器診療 ― 30年と今後の展望
題名 胆膵領域の変遷と展望 (1) 胆
発刊年月 2015年 01月
著者 乾 和郎 藤田保健衛生大学坂文種報德會病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 本誌が創刊された1985年からの30年間は,胆道疾患の診断・治療技術の成熟期ともいえる時代であり,その進歩は目覚ましいものであった.超音波検査では診断装置におけるティッシュハーモニックイメージと超音波造影剤といった画期的な開発が行われた.内視鏡では診断技術の向上とともにさまざまな内視鏡治療が開発された.超音波内視鏡においては診断装置がメカニカルラジアルスキャン方式から電子スキャン方式に変わったことと,EUS‒FNAを応用した治療手技が内視鏡治療の幅を広げた.これらの進歩を,より正確な診断と低侵襲性の治療など,これからの医療の発展につなげていく必要がある.
Theme Clinical Gastroenterology -- Past 30 Years and Future Vision
Title Biliary Tract, 30 Years and Perspective
Author Kazuo Inui Department of Gastroenterology, Second Teaching Hospital, Fujita Health University
[ Summary ] The past 30 years of this publication may be considered to have been its maturation period. Over that period, there has been great progress in the diagnosis and treatment of biliary tract diseases. In the field of ultrasonography, tissue harmonic imaging systems have represented epoch making developments through the development of contrast enhanced techniques. In the field of biliary endoscopy, various endoscopic treatments, like endoscopic biliary drainage, and diagnostic techniques, like the Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) system, were developed. In the field of endoscopic ultrasonography, scanning systems had turned into an electronic scanning from a mechanical radial scanning method. EUS guided fine needle aspiration has also been implemented. EUS‒FNA is now applied to various modes of diagnosis and treatment. It is hoped these advances will lead to further improvements in diagnostic accuracy and less invasive treatment modalities.