臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.1(5-2)

特集名 消化器診療 ― 30年と今後の展望
題名 肝臓領域の変遷と展望 (2) 外科
発刊年月 2015年 01月
著者 山下 俊 東京大学医学部附属病院肝胆膵外科・人工臓器移植外科
著者 長谷川 潔 東京大学医学部附属病院肝胆膵外科・人工臓器移植外科
著者 國土 典宏 東京大学医学部附属病院肝胆膵外科・人工臓器移植外科
【 要旨 】 肝切除術は,1980年代に術中超音波・系統的亜区域切除術・肝阻血法・門脈塞栓術などの新技術の導入により,肝硬変合併肝細胞癌の癌根治性と肝機能温存という相反する課題を克服しつつ進歩してきた.これに伴い,短期・長期の手術成績は飛躍的に進歩した.1990年代には本格的に生体肝移植が始まり,うっ血域の評価や肝静脈再建といった肝移植分野特有の技術の進歩が一般の肝臓外科へフィードバックされ,肝臓外科全体の進歩が加速される結果となった.低侵襲手術として内視鏡的肝切除技術も発達し,肝部分切除や外側区域切除が保険適応となった.今後の肝臓外科領域では,術前・術中ナビゲーション技術の進歩と肝移植のさらなる技術開発によって,より安全で正確な肝切除術の実現が期待されている.
Theme Clinical Gastroenterology -- Past 30 Years and Future Vision
Title Progress over the Past 30 Years and Foresight Regarding Hepatic Surgery
Author Suguru Yamashita Hepato‒Biliary‒Pancreatic Surgery Division, Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Author Kiyoshi Hasegawa Hepato‒Biliary‒Pancreatic Surgery Division, Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Author Norihiro Kokudo Hepato‒Biliary‒Pancreatic Surgery Division, Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo
[ Summary ] New methods introduced during the 1980s including intraoperative ultrasonography, anatomical subsegmentectomy, hepatic vascular occlusion, and portal vein embolization have been safer and even curative in the patients who suffer from hepatocellular carcinoma associated with liver cirrhosis. Thereby, the short‒ and long‒term postsurgical outcomes in these patients have improved markedly. Liver transplantation started in Japan in the 1990s. The unique techniques involved in liver transplantation, such as evaluation of venous congestion area and hepatic venous reconstruction, have accelerated the progress made in hepatic surgery. Laparoscopic hepatic resection has emerged as a minimally invasive surgical technique, and Japanese National Health Insurance coverage for laparoscopic limited resection and left lateral segmentectomy was initiated in April 2010. The future promises safer and more accurate liver resection through the progress of pre‒and intra‒operative navigation techniques and technological developments in the field of liver transplantation.