臨牀消化器内科 Vol.30 No.1(2-2)

特集名 消化器診療 ― 30年と今後の展望
題名 胃領域の変遷と展望 (2) 外科
発刊年月 2015年 01月
著者 笹子 三津留 兵庫医科大学外科
【 要旨 】 この30年余で,薬物療法の発展により消化性潰瘍,胃の悪性リンパ腫は手術の対象から外れた.胃がんでは,早期胃がんの多くが内視鏡的切除で治癒するようになった.早期胃がんに対する機能温存手術が確立された.早期胃がんを対象に腹腔鏡下の胃切除手術の安全性はほぼ確立されたが,遠隔成績,長期的なQOLの評価は不十分である.進行胃がんに対しての拡大手術全盛の時代は終わり,標準的手術が確立された.
Theme Clinical Gastroenterology -- Past 30 Years and Future Vision
Title Historical Review and Future Perspective of Surgery in Gastric Diseases
Author Mitsuru Sasako Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery, Hyogo Medical College
[ Summary ] Due to the development of drug therapies in the last four decades, surgery is seldom used for gastric and/or duodenal ulcers or malignant lymphoma. The majority of early gastric cancers are now treated with endoscopic submucosal dissection. Pylorus preserving distal gastrectomy has been established as a type of function preserving surgery. Laparoscopic gastrectomy has become popular but lacks evidence concerning its efficacy as a form of oncological surgery providing better quality of life in the long‒term. Application of super extended surgery is restricted, with D2 dissection being the established standard form of lymphadenectomy.
In the near future, a combination of pre‒operative intensive chemotherapy and extended surgery may cure gastric cancer patients with M1 diseases or borderline resectable conditions. Large GISTs which are unresectable will become curable with neo‒adjuvant chemotherapy.