臨牀消化器内科 Vol.29 No.8(4)

特集名 消化器疾患診療支援のための栄養療法の最先端
題名 経皮内視鏡的胃瘻による栄養管理
発刊年月 2014年 07月
著者 新後閑 弘章 東邦大学医療センター大橋病院消化器内科
著者 前谷 容 東邦大学医療センター大橋病院消化器内科
著者 大牟田 繁文 東邦大学医療センター大橋病院消化器内科
著者 徳久 順也 東邦大学医療センター大橋病院消化器内科
著者 成木 良瑛子 東邦大学医療センター大橋病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 経皮内視鏡的胃瘻造設術(percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy;PEG)は経腸栄養や減圧目的にも用いられるが,適応と禁忌および人工的水分・栄養補給(AHN)の導入に関する意思決定プロセスについても考慮する必要がある.PEG造設の各種方法の適応を理解し,交換手技では確実な確認が重要である.PEGの管理や栄養投与法の違いを理解し病態に合わせた方法を選択する.がん患者にも経腸栄養のためのPEGや,悪性消化管狭窄においてPEGによる減圧が有効なことがある.PTEGはPEG困難症例に対する消化管IVR手技であり,経腸栄養および減圧が可能である.
Theme Cutting-edge Nutrition Therapy for Supporting the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders
Title Nutritional Management with PEG
Author Hiroaki Shigoka Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center
Author Iruru Maetani Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center
Author Shigefumi Omuta Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center
Author Junya Tokuhisa Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center
Author Mieko Naruki Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center
[ Summary ] Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is generally used for venting as well as creating nutritional routes. Indications and contraindications for PEG have been established. In addition, the decision-making process for introduction of artificial hydration and nutrition (AHN) should also be considered. There are various PEG placement procedures, which are generally classified into two categories:the inward and outward methods. Placement procedure suited for certain conditions must be selected. Recognition of appropriate procedures for PEG placement and replacement is crucial for endoscopists to manage PEG related practices. For cancer patients, PEG plays important roles including feeding with specific nutritients. For patients with bowel obstructions, systems have been created for the purpose of decompression, which may enhance the quality of life for patients percutaneous trans-esophageal gastrotubing (PTEG) may be an alternative to PEG in cases with difficulties in PEG placement.