臨牀消化器内科 Vol.29 No.8(10)

特集名 消化器疾患診療支援のための栄養療法の最先端
題名 消化器がんの予後と栄養管理
発刊年月 2014年 07月
著者 窪田 健 京都府立医科大学消化器外科学
著者 比企 直樹 がん研究会有明病院消化器外科
著者 岡本 和真 京都府立医科大学消化器外科学
著者 市川 大輔 京都府立医科大学消化器外科学
著者 小松 周平 京都府立医科大学消化器外科学
著者 大辻 英吾 京都府立医科大学消化器外科学
【 要旨 】 術前栄養不良と合併症・予後の関連について,胃がんを中心に周術期栄養管理の重要性について概説した.われわれが解析に用いた術前栄養・炎症状態の指標であるGPS(Glasgow prognostic score)は有意な予後不良因子であった.また,合併症も予後不良因子であり,その合併症の危険因子として併存疾患などが挙げられた.これらの結果は術前の栄養管理や併存疾患のコントロールの重要性を示している.また術後の体重減少がS-1補助化学療法の継続に影響する危険因子であることも報告されている.がん治療において手術や化学療法を安全に,そして成功裏に完遂するためには患者の全身状態に目を向ける必要がある.その根底を支えているのが患者の栄養状態である.
Theme Cutting-edge Nutrition Therapy for Supporting the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders
Title Nutritional Management and Prognosis for Gastrointestinal Malignancies
Author Takeshi Kubota Division of Digestive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Author Naoki Hiki Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Author Kazuma Okamoto Division of Digestive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Author Daisuke Ichikawa Division of Digestive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Author Shuhei Komatsu Division of Digestive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Author Eigo Otsuji Division of Digestive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
[ Summary ] The importance of perioperative nutritional management for gastric cancer is outlined. This is based on our evidence gathered in research concerning the association between malnutrition and associated complications, as well as prognoses. Inflammation assessed by the Glasgow prognostic score (GPS) was adopted as a significant prognostic factor. Further, development of postoperative complications was also a prognostic factor. Co-morbidity was noted as a risk factor associated with complications. These results suggest the importance of preoperative management of nutrition in relation to co-morbidity. In addition, postoperative weight loss was reported to be a risk factor for continuation of S-1 adjuvant gastric cancer chemotherapy. For full cancer treatment, surgery and chemotherapy must be performed safely. Therefore we must closely observe our patientsʼ general condition, including their nutritional state.