臨牀消化器内科 Vol.29 No.6(6-2)

特集名 Barrett食道の診断と治療up-to-date
題名 Barrett食道のサーベイランス (2) Barrett食道のスクリーニングにおける問題点
発刊年月 2014年 06月
著者 久保 俊之 佐久総合病院佐久医療センター内視鏡内科
著者 小山 恒男 佐久総合病院佐久医療センター内視鏡内科
著者 高橋 亜紀子 佐久総合病院佐久医療センター内視鏡内科
著者 森主 達夫 佐久総合病院佐久医療センター内視鏡内科
【 要旨 】 食道癌の組織型は大部分が扁平上皮癌(SCC)であったが,欧米では食道腺癌(esophageal adenocarcinoma;EAC)が急増し,1998年には過半数に至った.日本では依然として大部分はSCCだが,日本食道学会の全国登録では1.4%から4.9%へと増加傾向にある.本邦におけるEACの大部分はSSBEに合併するため,EGJ近傍であることが多く,深吸気を併用した観察が必要である.EACの内視鏡所見は基本的に早期胃癌と同様であり,色調差,高低差が病変発見の鍵である.米国での標準的サーベイランス法は1〜2cmごとの盲目的4点生検だが,本邦では早期胃癌の診断学が進んでおり,これをEACに応用することが可能と考えられる.通常観察で病変が疑われた場合には,色素,IEEを用いて診断を進めていくことが必要である.
Theme Diagnosis and Treatment of Barrett's Esophagus : up-to-date
Title Problems in Screening of Barrett's Esophagus
Author Toshiyuki Kubo Department of Endoscopy, Saku Central Hospital Advanced Care Center
Author Tsuneo Oyama Department of Endoscopy, Saku Central Hospital Advanced Care Center
Author Akiko Takahashi Department of Endoscopy, Saku Central Hospital Advanced Care Center
Author Tatsuo Morinushi Department of Endoscopy, Saku Central Hospital Advanced Care Center
[ Summary ] The majority of esophageal cancer is categorized as SCC (squamous cell carcinoma). EAC (esophageal adenocarcinoma) is rare. However, EAC has rapidly increased in western countries and came to occupy the major form of this type of cancer in 1998. On the other hand, the most common form of esophageal cancer is still SCC in Japan. However, EAC has increased from 1.4 % to 4.9 % of diagnosed cases, as judged by analysis of the national registration database of the Japanese Esophagus Society. A majority of Japanese EAC cases originate as SSBE. Therefore, they are often located near the EGJ (esophagogastric junction). Sometimes EGJ is difficult to observe because of narrow lumina. Therefore, deep inspiration should be used for observation.
Endoscopic findings of EAC are basically similar to those for early gastric cancer. We must pay close attention to detect color changes, elevations and depressions. The standard strategy for surveillance of EAC in the USA is random biopsies. Quadrant biopsies every 1-2 cm are recommended per the Seattle protocol, because endoscopic findings of superficial EAC are subtle. However, Japanese endoscopists have sufficient skills to detect superficial gastric cancer. Therefore, we attempt to detect EAC through endoscopic observation without random biopsies. If we observe lesions, further diagnosis should be conducted using chromoendoscopy, and IEE (Image-Enhanced Endoscopy).