臨牀消化器内科 Vol.29 No.4(6-8)

特集名 肝硬変―診断と治療の進歩
題名 肝硬変治療の進歩 (8) 肝硬変に伴う血球減少症の治療
発刊年月 2014年 04月
著者 会澤 信弘 兵庫医科大学内科肝胆膵科
著者 西口 修平 兵庫医科大学内科肝胆膵科
【 要旨 】 慢性肝疾患では肝線維化が進展してくると脾機能亢進症により血球減少を認める.血小板減少はラジオ波焼灼治療などの侵襲的処置を行う際に問題となることがある.また,C型肝硬変では血小板数が低値であるためにインターフェロン(IFN)治療の導入や継続が困難となる.血小板低値に対して脾臓摘出術や部分的脾動脈塞栓術が行われている.これらの処置により血小板は増加するが,侵襲的処置であり合併症の問題がある.また,C型肝硬変の場合処置により血小板数が改善しても,genotype 1b高ウイルス量症例ではIFNの奏効率は低い.
ほかの血小板減少に対する治療としてエルトロンボパグの有効性が報告されている.しかし,門脈血栓症のリスクが増加するため注意が必要である.今後エルトロンボパグの肝硬変に対する適応が期待されている.また,C型肝疾患では,IFNに比べ副作用が少なく治療効果の高いDAAs(direct acting anti-virals)多剤併用療法が期待される.
Theme Cirrhosis -- Recent Progress in Diagnosis and Treatmen
Title Treatment for Thrombocytopenia with Cirrhosis
Author Nobuhiro Aizawa Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Shuhei Nishiguchi Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease, Hyogo College of Medicine
[ Summary ] Patients with chronic liver disease often have pancytopenia due to hypersplenism caused by advanced liver fibrosis. Thrombocytopenia often interferes with invasive procedures, including radiofrequency ablation. In chronic liver disease associated with the hepatitis C virus, low platelet counts present a major obstacle in carrying out interferon treatment. Therefore, two procedures, PSE and splenectomy, are performed as countermeasures to treat thrombocytopenia. Splenectomies or PSE are effective treatments when thrombocytopenia is present. However, many complications regarding patientsʼ safety are observed with both splenectomies and PSE. Platelet counts often increase after splenectomies and/or PSE, thus resulting in improvements in IFN treatment. However, increased SVR rates are not common in patients with HCV genotype 1b involvement and high viral loads. Eltrombopag is another effective treatment method for thrombocytopenia. Several investigations have reported eltrombopag, to be a less invasive but effective treatment for hypersplenism in patient with cirrhosis. Eltrombopag increases platelet numbers in thrombocytopenic patients with HCV and advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis, allowing otherwise ineligible or marginal patients to begin or continue IFN therapy. However, an increased risk of portal-vein thrombosis was observed in patients receiving eltrombopag. IFN-free antiviral treatments could be another alternative for patients with a low platelet counts.