臨牀消化器内科 Vol.29 No.4(6-6)

特集名 肝硬変―診断と治療の進歩
題名 肝硬変治療の進歩 (6) B型肝硬変に対する抗ウイルス治療
発刊年月 2014年 04月
著者 池田 健次 虎の門病院肝臓内科
【 要旨 】 腹腔鏡肝生検で確定診断されたB型肝硬変245例からの累積発癌率は 5年19%,10年30%,15年36%であった.retrospectiveにインターフェロン(IFN)を使用した 94例と無治療の219例での比較では,5年発癌率はそれぞれ7%,20%,10年発癌率は17%,31%で,IFN群での粗肝癌発癌率が有意に低かった.多変量解析で肝癌発癌に寄与する要因は,積算飲酒量,AFP値,ICG 15分値およびIFN治療の有無であった.核酸アナログ製剤のうちエンテカビルの発癌抑制効果を調べるためにpropensityスコアを使用して治療群・無治療群での肝癌発癌率を比較した.背景をマッチングしたエンテカビル群316例,対照群316例からの3年発癌率はそれぞれ1.2%,7.2%,5年発癌率は3.7%,13.7%で,エンテカビル投与群で発癌率は有意に低かった.
Theme Cirrhosis -- Recent Progress in Diagnosis and Treatmen
Title Anti-viral Therapy for Hepatitis B-related Cirrhosis
Author Kenji Ikeda Department of Hepatology, Toranomon Hospital
[ Summary ] A total of 245 patients were diagnosed as having hepatitis B (HB)-related cirrhosis on the basis of laparoscopy and/or liver biopsies. Cumulative hepatocellular carcinogenesis rates in patients with cirrhosis were 19 % at the end of the 5th year, 30 % at the 10th year, and 36 % at the 15th year. Retrospective cohorts of patients with and without interferon therapy were observed in regard to hepatocellular carcinogenesis. Crude 5th year rates were 7 % in the interferon therapy group and 20 % in the untreated group, 10 year rates were 17 %, and 31 %, respectively. Interferon significantly decreased carcinogenesis rates in patients with HB-related cirrhosis. A propensity score was introduced to analyze the anti-carcinogenic activity of entecavir in retrospective cohorts with HB-cirrhosis. After adjusting background factors using a calculated score, hepatocellular carcinogenesis rates in patients with and without entecavir administration were, 1.2 % and 7.2 % at the end of 3rd year, and 3.7 % and 13.7 % at the 5th year, respectively. Entecavir also significantly decreased carcinogenesis rates in HB-positive patients with cirrhosis.