臨牀消化器内科 Vol.29 No.3(3-3-2)

特集名 ヘリコバクター・ピロリ感染胃炎を診る,治す
題名 H. pylori胃炎除菌による胃内環境への影響 (3) 除菌による胃癌発生への効果―私の視点 2. 見落とし病変の観点から
発刊年月 2014年 03月
著者 加藤 元彦 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科消化器内科学
著者 西田 勉 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科消化器内科学
著者 辻井 正彦 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科消化器内科学
著者 竹原 徹郎 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科消化器内科学
【 要旨 】 早期胃癌に対するESD後は同時性・異時性の多発病変の高リスクで,H. pylori除菌療法が広く行われている.ESD後に発見される多発病変は新たに発生した癌と初回治療時にすでに存在していたものの見落とされていた病変の両者を含んでおり,その発生については不明な点もある.大阪大学関連12施設でESDが行われた1,258例中,110例に同時性多発胃癌が認められたが,このうち21例は術前に見落とされていた.われわれのコホートでは1年以降の異時性多発癌は年率3.5%でほぼ一定であり,H. pyloriの除菌により発生率は変化しなかった.ESD後の多発胃癌発見のため,H. pyloriの除菌にかかわらず定期的な内視鏡検査が重要である.
Theme Best Available Managements of Helicobacter pylori Gastritis
Title Effects of Reducing Metachronous Gastric Cancer post Eradication of H. pylori Gastric Infection : From My Point of View (2) From the Aspect of Non-observed Lesion
Author Motohiko Kato Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
Author Tsutomu Nishida Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
Author Masahiko Tsujii Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
Author Tetsuo Takehara Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University
[ Summary ] After endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) of early gastric cancer (EGC), patients are at high-risk for synchronous or metachronous multiple gastric cancer. Eradication therapy for H. pylori is widely applied in these cases. To elucidate the details of post ESD muliple cancer occurrence, we conducted a multicenter retrospective cohort study in 12 hospitals. Patients with EGC who underwent ESD with en bloc margin-negative curative resection were included. Synchronous cancer was classified as concomitant cancer or non-observed cancer. The cumulative incidence of metachronous cancers and overall survival rates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. From April 1999 to December 2010, 1,258 patients met the inclusion criteria. Synchronous or metachronous multiple cancers were detected in 14.2 % of the patients. Of the 110 synchronous cancers observed, 21 were missed during initial ESD. The cumulative incidence of metachronous cancers increased linearly, and the mean annual incidence rate was 3.5 %. The incidence rate did not differ between patients having had H. pylori eradication or not. Approximately 20 % of synchronous cancers were not missed. Scheduled endoscopic surveillance is needed, especially during early post ESD phases irrespective of patients having received H. pylori eradication therapy or not.