臨牀消化器内科 Vol.29 No.3(2-2)

特集名 ヘリコバクター・ピロリ感染胃炎を診る,治す
題名 H. pylori胃炎診療の実際―エキスパートからのアドバイス (2) 超高齢者に対するH. pylori除菌治療
発刊年月 2014年 03月
著者 徳永 健吾 杏林大学医学部第三内科
著者 田中 昭文 杏林大学医学部第三内科
著者 高橋 信一 杏林大学医学部第三内科
【 要旨 】 H. pylori除菌療法は何歳までが適応かはガイドラインに示されていないが,社会的年齢も異なるため,個々に応じた治療を考える必要がある.除菌療法は年齢に関係なく安全な治療法であるが,患者の全身状態や基礎疾患から社会的年齢・生命予後をもとに,胃癌が予防できたとして余命に影響があるか,NSAIDs潰瘍発症予防目的ではNSAIDsの種類や数により除菌の意義はあるか,併用薬に薬物相互作用を生じる可能性はないか,などを考慮する必要がある.また,患者が除菌を希望しているかを確認し,希望する患者には超高齢者では除菌による胃癌予防の十分なデータがないこと,除菌薬の1日量や副作用,除菌後に起こりうる逆流性食道炎など除菌療法に関する事項を十分に説明し,同意を得られるかが重要である.
Theme Best Available Managements of Helicobacter pylori Gastritis
Title Management of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Super Elderly Patients
Author Kengo Tokunaga The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Author Akifumi Tanaka The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Author Shinʼichi Takahashi The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kyorin University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Current guidelines for the management of Helicobacter pylori infection do not provide an age limit for eradication therapy. As part of the decision making process for administering this therapy, physicians should take into account patientsʼ individual characteristics including social age. The following questions need to be answered for the benefit of patients : 1)Is eradication therapy safe for all age groups ? 2) Is eradication therapy effective in extending the patientsʼ life expectancy if it is successful in preventing gastric cancer ? 3)What the estimated impact may be on the patientʼs well-being may be in consideration of both the patientʼs social age and lifetime prognosis based on characteristics including general condition and underlying diseases. 4) Is eradication therapy effective in preventing NSAID ulcerative disease in all patients, regardless of the type or drug dosage ? 5) Is there any risk of drug interactions with concurrent administration of other drugs ? In addition, physicians should explain the following limitations and potential adverse effects on patients when making the following decisions : 1) Deciding when sufficient evidence that eradication therapy is effective in preventing gastric cancer in super elderly patients. 2) Deciding when dosages of antibiotics may have potential adverse effects. 3) Deciding when there is a potential risk of reflux esophagitis occurring after eradication therapy.